46. How was he?

203 11 3

"..... I don't want anything to do with him anymore, I can't live with him..."

Reminders, so you can follow this chapter... (I know it has been too long)

-Sib/Puy is Kao's sister

-Ock is Puy's childhood friend and Rey's Boyfriend 

-Rey is Puy's business partner

Kao walked in to Pete's Office with a file in his hand. Pete who was checking the Quarterly Report briefly looked up from it... "What's up?"

Kao didn't answer, He just went and stood beside Pete... "How are the numbers looking like?"

Pete looked up from the report and smiled at Kao, shrugging... "Well, Like you are gonna get Young CEO award this year...!!!"

Kao also lowly smiled and turned Pete's chair towards him to settle on his lap. Pete's hands immediately wrapped around Kao's waist.

"Is something bothering you babe?" Pete asked soothingly

Kao nodded... "I miss you!"

Pete smiled without pointing out the fact that it has been only couple of hours since they came to office together... "Why don't you bring your laptop and work in my office in that case?"

Kao sighed... "It's Okay, I have continuous meetings now anyway..."

"Umm.... then should I come and work in yours?" Pete wondered

Kao shook his head and lifted the file in his hand.... "Marketing team has just brought in the plan for next six months, They have quoted nearly a Million Dollars as their budget, Is that okay?"

Pete nodded... "I mean, We can afford that, But it doesn't mean we should..."

"I know right, there are so many cost effective and efficient marketing methods these days, But I didn't want to bluntly point it out and disappoint them" Kao turned and looked at Pete

"Well, We knew our business is going to be successful, I just didn't expect it to be this fast, Humans are just really easy to read... But we also decided to give them these opportunities right, May be we should let them experiment like this..." Pete agreed

 "Ya, I mean our business can actually run on autopilot now, The system we have established is fail proof... But well we can't be obvious about it, It's easy to build business, what's tiring is acting like we are not ourselves and always pretending" Kao added

"Haan!! so it's not me you are missing, It's yourself..." Pete chuckled

 Kao chuckled too... "Well, I am really glad that I found you, I mean imagine if I have gotten into a relationship with whom I couldn't be myself...."

"I am glad you found me too..." Pete kept lightly rubbing Kao's waist with his fingers.

Kao smiled wider....."By the way did you RSVP the invitation for tonight?"

"You mean Uncle Usher's Birthday party?" Pete looked away.... "I am really not interested"

"Pete, We have gone over this, We can't skip it, You know Puy had been covering for me all this time, But now she is not in town, and If  we don't go, Uncle will be really upset..." Kao whined

"And What will you introduce me as?" Pete immediately asked

"I..." Kao only lowered his shoulders

"Kao, I am not forcing you out of the closet here, I just don't want you to be in a situation where you need to lie, I have seen how uncomfortable you were around your own parents because you had to lie about me, So all I am saying is that I won't be coming, You should go and wish him, after all it's his 50th Birthday..." Pete nodded assuring

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