2. The Probians

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"It's not about spec-ism, It's about real-ism...."


"Don't you want to go freshen up now, You will get late for the exam otherwise" I asked Pete once I finished enjoying my coffee and saw Pete still sucked in my notes beside his empty coffee cup.

"Naa" Is the only thing he said. And what does he mean by that?

"What do you mean by Naa? Don't tell me you studied the whole night just to show up late for the exam" I asked again.

"I mean I will freshen up here, It's a waste of time to go to my place now, I am sure you can lend me a clean shirt" He said, How long has it been we have started talking to each other again.

"Pete, Your room is just two floors above from where you are sitting" I pointed out sighing.

"Yes, But it's not as clean as your's and I am sure I will get nausea if i step in there right now" He paused and turned around to look at me for the first time and I am not sure how his eyes are still glowing and his lips are still smiling after a night out with statistics "Or don't tell me you are afraid I won't return your shirt, if you lend me one" He completed.

"Hmmm... I am afraid you will forget where my room is once the exam is over" I stated before grabbing my towel and stepped into my bathroom, As I was more afraid that If I stare anymore at his tanned skin shining in the morning Sun piercing through my window, I won't be able to stop myself from going on my knees and ask him to take me as his.

Under the warm shower I started reminiscing, It was the first day of college and I heard the laugh before I saw the figure. His laugh was unearthly, the purest of all the ones I have ever heard. His sight was enchanting, it was inhuman to have such prominent build and perfect muscles. That was the first time I admired him from far and from then it became an habit. It wasn't a difficult habit to keep, since he is the captain of the football team, all you have to do is go sit in the podium after classes and your looks would be served. And that is what i exactly do on the days I feel low and doesn't feel like slacking out in the library. I got used to it by now. In the class and in the ground I secretly keep checking him out and I sure have a crush on him just like every other girl. But since I haven't come out yet, I can't be as open as them in expressing myself and eventually admiring the hotness from afar seemed easier than pursuing it. The first thing I realised last night as well is the way I didn't feel awkward at all around Pete, I have imagined talking to him for the first time and how my heart would race or Sitting side by side and how my face would blush, But it didn't feel like anything first time, and I guess seeing him everywhere has made him not soo stranger. Waking up to him was another scene I have ecstatically dreamed of and to my ecstacy I did wake up to him and the coffee he made for real, then why doesn't it feel new or odd. Or is it because he was just a crush and nothing more? He himslef is not showing any oddness , why would he, doesn't guys sleep at each other's places all the time, afterall he is straight. But it was definitely not normal for me then why did it feel like it was?

It was a question I would like answer to but for now I have to thank the normalcy in me otherwise i would have been thoroughly embarrassed before him. Still in my deep thoughts I finished my shower, wrapped the towel around me and stepped out. But the fresh smell of fried rice snapped me to present.

Pete smiled up at me still from the same chair "Finally! I thought you were gonna stay there till the world run out of water"

I saw him putting the pen down and closing the books as he stood up. I completely ignored his complaint like that is what i normally do to check the new found bags on my side table.

"You like chicken right? Help yourself, My head is clouded, I will take a quick shower." He said moving towards the bathroom.

"Chicken fried rice? How?" I asked and he stopped right outside the bathroom door extending his hand.

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