49. Maybe not for you, but

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"................you are an addiction for me..........."

Kao did wake up at 1:00AM. He saw Puy sleeping on the couch and decided not to disturb her, instead, he started searching for the keys. He has looked all over but failed to find the keys. So deciding that it's inevitable he shook Puy awake... "Puy, where are the keys?"

Puy blinked at him with sleep at the top of her eyes. 

"Hin, You are up? How are you feeling? still dizzy?" She asked concerned

"I gotta go Puy, tell me where are the front door keys?, it's locked" Kao asked ignoring her questions.

"Ya, umm, It's locked from outside," She said... "Ock took the keys as he is supposed to come to wake us up in the morning"

"Puy, stop messing with me now, It's already too late I need to go see Pete" Kao demanded

"I get you Hin, but I don't have the keys" Puy repeated calmly

"Then call P'Ock, ask him to come, and open the door NOW!" Kao raged

"Kao, Calm down, Ock must be asleep plus you are not well, listen to me" Puy tried again.

"I can't, I won't, that's what you said this afternoon, I don't know why you are doing this, I don't know what you are afraid of Puy but It shouldn't be Pete, Where is your phone, call P'Ock, Quick" He urged looking around for the phone. 

"Okay!" Fine!" Puy raised her hands in surrender... "I will call him, But you gotta listen to me first"

"That's what you said earlier, and you were obviously just buying time" Kao kept pacing the living room... "I don't have time, I... I feel like every second I am away from Pete, he is slipping away from me, Puy, I should go see him"

"I agree, I agree, Listen Kao we went to see Pete this afternoon" Puy started explaining but Kao was not having it. 

"Great now let me go see him, Please" Kao held Puy's hand resorting to request. 

"And he said, He said the reason he is avoiding you is because he thinks you betrayed him" Puy blurted with closed eyes. 

"More the reason I need to go, see him, Don't you think?" Kao kept whining

"Kao, you are not getting it, He thinks you betrayed him because he saw you with another man," Puy said shaking Kao's shoulders

Kao frowned... "What! You are just spitting nonsense now"

"Hin, Listen to me and think, Why is Pete not answering your calls, why are you not at home, Why is Pete not by your side though you were asleep for five straight days, and, and, you said Pete was mad at you, like really mad, why do you think that was, Why was I the one you woke up to and not Pete?" Puy questioned... "You know how much Pete loves you, Damn, there were days he was jealous of me because I know how you looked as a child, then why is Pete not with you while you are fighting with this lethal drug? It's because he is thinking that you cheated on him, he said so himself"

Kao looked up confused... "Why would he think that?"

"Because he caught you with someone else" Puy made Kao sit beside her... " That night it was not Pete you went to the hotel with, it was a stranger, you were tricked"

 "No way, Puy, There is no way I would do that with anyone else, Trust me, It was Pete" Kao's frown deepened

"I trust you, Hin, I know what Pete means to you, But you were not yourself, You were drugged and you were not aware of what's going on with you, As I said someone was trying to trick you, Good thing Pete reached there on time and brought you home" Puy tried to assure Kao.

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