19. The Heat

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"We are in this together... we can do this..."


I took a deep breath to concentrate and calm myself as I stood there in our new balcony, trying all the tricks I have learned before to subdue my heat. The cold breeze  blowing over me helped a little as I gathered myself. 

 It was like God got bored and blended Wolves, Vampires and Humans DNA in a mixture to create us. We have Vampire's agility, Wolf's lust and Human's Empathy. It's such a torturous combination to live with.

Don't look desperate, Don't look desperate, Don't look desperate  I chanted to myself as I stepped in. And smiled when I saw Pete moving all over like a blur and room is crystal clean already.

"Kao!" He exclaimed when he saw me as he adjusted the pillows on the sofa. 

"Looks like you don't need my help here..." I chuckled seeing him enjoying his new found freedom.

"Nope...!" He said settling on the sofa and tapped the place beside him inviting me. 

That made my body tense all of a sudden, I silently reached for the keys... "We better get going Pete, It's late and we will have to be here early in the morning as well..." I know if I move into 2ft radius of him tonight there would be no stopping.

Pete looked at me surprised but nodded nevertheless as he followed me out.

"Are you okay? Are you not feeling well?" Pete asked me as I was driving us back to the dorm. 

I tried my best to sound cheerful... "I am good Pete...nothing to worry..." 

I know I have an uncomfortable vibe around me but that's only because Pete is around. 

"I will see you in the morning Pete..." I stopped him as he was about to enter my room.

He looked at me disappointed, his sulky face almost made me loose myself and pull him in, but thank god he nodded in time. 

I still somehow felt like I need to explain myself "Only today Pete... I just want sometime to myself tonight..." 

He looked sadly at me... Pete, please don't make this harder for me... Let me at least prepare myself...

But in a jiff he pecked my cheek and was gone. I slumped my shoulders disappointed. Looks like somewhere at the corners of my heart I did hope he would make it harder for me. 

I looked at my half packed room and didn't feel like continuing at all. I am gonna miss this place. I have owned it and started getting comfortable around here. Why am I leaving it? Just for Pete...

What if we fight and break up... what if he gets too much and I won't be able to handle him... I am sure there are a lot of angles to him that I still need to see... what if I don't like them... I laid down on my face doubting everything when I was disturbed by a notification on my phone.

"Kao, You can tell me if you think we are moving too fast.... We can still cancel tomorrow's plans..." why is my heart feeling tingles just from a message. 

"Not at all Pete... I want this..." I replied struggling to stop my fingers from typing everything I am feeling right now. I am feeling the burn on my feet. I have never felt my heat this intense on the first day, so all the things I read about love are true... Love multiplies the intensity of heat indeed... wow.. does this mean i am really in love... oh my...

"🙂... That's a relief babe... Please take good rest... if there is any packing left we can do it in the morning together..." Pete's reply came, and I felt really sleepy reading the message, it was like the weight that is burdening on my shoulders has been lifted and I can finally relax. And so I fell asleep without even changing, the burn of my skin evident even in sleep.

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