54. The Breaking

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".....You never used hate and me in the same sentence...."

"Kao, Why don't we just break up?" Pete mumbled, as soon as those words left his mouth he started sweating worse than when he was in heat. He jumped when he heard something break in Kao's room. He pushed the door open and went in to see a broken mirror. 

Before he could say anything, Pete heard something break again. This time it was a photo frame. 

"KAO, what do you think you are doing?" Pete asked with an angry face. 

Kao didn't answer, he just walked toward a painting hung on the wall. Pete ran to him in a flash and hugged him from the back... "Stop, Why are you breaking things?"

Kao snickered as he released himself from Pete's grip "Why? does it feel unbearable to see things you cherish break?"

And the next second the painting they got as a gift from a client was shattered into pieces. 

"Do you think you can break our relationship when you can't even see these material things break?" Kao questioned searching for the next thing... "Come on practice with me, Maybe you will get used to it"

Pete tried hugging Kao again from the front this time and stopped him... "Sorry, I am sorry, Sorry, Sorry, This is not you, Don't act like this, I am sorry, I am so damn Sorry"

Kao pushed Pete away... "Sorry is not what I want from you Pete, I need you to talk"

"Ha?" Pete asked frowning

"Tell me, why are you doing what you are doing? I know it's not just because you are angry about me cheating on you, I know that now, If that were the case, you wouldn't have been able to resist me during your heat, my plan to seduce you should have worked, You must be thinking you are doing me some favor by doing all these, So tell me what is it?" 

Pete stood there without a word. 

Kao moved towards the antique alarm piece on the bedside. Pete shouted... "No, Kao"

Kao stopped his hand from picking it up... "I will keep breaking until you start talking Pete"

Pete went silent again. Kao proceeded to pick it up. 

"Fine, I will talk, I will tell you" This time Kao's hand stopped in the air

"I don't think, I... " Pete muttered. 

The next second the clock shattered. The sound hit a nerve in Pete this time. He pounced and arrested Kao on the bed under him. 

"Why are you acting up? Have you gone crazy?" Pete howled... "You tried convincing me,  following me, seducing me, and now that nothing worked are you revolting?"

"Am I the one acting up here? Yes,  I tried reasoning with  you, understanding you, offering you a letout but nothing worked, I can only try to anger you now, So talk"

Pete closed his eyes not able to bear it... "Your pheromones, they are too much"

"You even tolerated your heat, what's a few pheromones" Kao sneered balancing himself on his forearms

"I am going to my room" Pete moved off of Kao. But the next second pinned him down again... "You are not allowed to break any more stuff!"

"Try going into your room and hear me break that human-sized frame of ours in the living room" Kao warned ... "I told you I would keep breaking until you start talking"

"Damn it, I hate this heat of yours" Pete ran a hand into his hair... "It's driving you Insane"

Kao plopped down as if he couldn't control it, tears rushed in his eyes. Looking at it Pete's eyes shook as if he was about to have a panic attack.

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