5. THE Journey

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"You don't give in to just anyone, but You gave in , then its time you realize that you have fallen in this deep sea called love"


Its been a month since i got drunk and wasted. And from that day my privacy got invaded to an irreversible length. Pete just finds me wherever i am in the cafeteria saying i shouldn't have lunch alone. His favorite place in class has became the one beside me, he says I keep silent and it helps him concentrate, that is when he even attends the classes ofcourse. The only thing he is not doing is walking me back and forth from dorm as he has to practice both in the morning and evening. To be honest i am ecstatic to be having him around, while the girls keep giving me those jealous looks.

Its too early in the morning now and the Sun hasn't raised yet but we are all gathered here by the bus to set off for our field trip. Its a 5 days long trip and 4 hours long drive. It was exciting from the sound of it and I have been looking forward to today. But this early morning I am still drowsy and so are my classmates, except that one guy who is helping to load everyone's luggage, well that's none other than Pete, His morning practices are coming in handy today.

Its a chilly winter morning and some of the girls are shivering to the point that, they don't have an option but let there crushes take care of them. I look at Pete, he is not even wearing a sweater and is actually sweating all over from lifting heavy weights. I smiled at the scene, always the odd one out. Just as me, no single girl is taking their eyes off him as he is flexing those muscles arranging the luggage on the bus roof. He was still at it as the professor took our attendance and asked us to board the bus.

Pete was the last one to board and as soon as he did, girls behaved like they were being suffocated for a minute. Everyone moved making space for him asking him to sit beside them and as expected he just walked till the last where i was sitting and landed on his bum with a thud wiping his sweat on his arm. Again, no denying there, he is just too handsome to be a mere college guy.

He looked at me and gave me his ever famous smile, I involuntarily returned back his contagious smile.

I then pulled out a towel from my back pack and handed it to him to wipe the sweat, not being able to see his struggle with sweat blocking his eyes. He took it gladly and wiped the sweat and said "I can't believe why everyone is carrying soo much, it's just a 5 days trip right?"

I just kept quite as I know it wasn't exactly a question.

"Kao, aren't you sleepy, Just sleep if you want to, I will sit somewhere else" he said pointing to my drowsy eyes.

I immediately grabbed his arm and pulled back not exactly knowing that i am and said

"Can't you see that everyone is working hard at their only chance of getting committed, you better not disturb them" I said whispering into his ears.

He chuckled, a sweet smile spreading on his face again.

"Right, I better not make enemies" He said his smile now turning into a low laugh as he sweeped his gaze around the bus. "You are stuck with me then" he concluded.

And a blush rush on to my face, to which Pete is now completely used to....

The raising sun was beautiful and he caught my 100% attention as i turned my face to avoid Pete from seeing me blushing yet again. And by the time, I turned back, Pete was far back already in his dream land.

His eyes rested, neck hanging down and lips slightly open. His position made me smile, I gently pulled him on to my lap and he immediately spread his legs out on to the remaining seat relaxing. But the next minute he pulled his knees closer as his hands went on to hug himself.

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