17. It's a world

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"A world where i wanna be immortal and live till eternity.."


"........" what is it... haaah... it's soo soothing... making me feel too comfortable and cozy to wake up. Though I refused, sleep still wore out of me and conscious slowly took over me.

"................" the mild sound is too even and manly that it brought me back to my senses, it's actually not just the sound but also the movements of raising and falling near my chest. I shook my head chuckling and stretched lightly to take a look at the clock when I finally realized it's Pete's breathing. Ten past twelve? We have been sleeping for what , like five hours. If we sleep any longer, We would miss the afternoon classes as well, I quickly turned to Pete to wake him up... only to freeze myself... I mean the view infront of me!!!, if anyone would have told me Pete could look all cute and cuddly I wouldn't have believed it, except I am seeing it with my own eyes. The way he is gripping the pillow like it's his life support. The tough guy who only knows to exuberate his dominant aura is peacefully sleeping in my bed looking like a miracle. I couldn't muster up any will to wake him up any more. If it's possible I can just stay like this and look at him for hours. But I needed to use the washroom so I slowly shifted his legs from on me and got up.

As soon as I stepped down the bed my stomach growled with hunger. I held my stomach and looked at Pete again looking for any sign of weakness, I know he didn't eat last night as well, still he looked all fresh and bright. I sighed. Once I was done freshening up, I ordered food for both of us.

I was checking out peacefully sleeping Pete and feeling shy all by myself reminiscing what happened that morning, when I heard someone knocking lightly on the door. I thanked whoever it was for being considerate, Pete is sleeping like a cub after all. I opened the door and closed it behind me not ready to let any noise from outside to enter my serene room just to see Blue all dressed up standing in front of me.

"Blue!?" I exclaimed surprised.

"Hey Kao, Pete is here, Isn't he?" Blue asked pointing to my door.

"Yes, he is sleeping... " I kept my voice low though we are not inside the room.

"Great!, here, he forgot his mobile in the hospital this morning, Green wanted me to bring it to him..." Blue handed me Pete's phone... "The guy seriously needs to stop forgetting his phone..." Blue added.

"Does this happen often..?" I asked pointing the phone in my hand now.

"Ooo... yes... Especially when he is in a hurry or have somewhere important to get to.. " Blue made a mad face... "I mean who does that, he forgets his phone on every game day and imagine everyone trying to reach him, he forgets it exactly when he is not supposed to..."

I nodded understanding his frustration and thanked him as he turned to leave... "Thank you Blue..."

"By the way, I completely forgot, Congratulations Kao..." he turned and congratulated making me frown, I was not sure exactly what it was for... "I heard Pete asked you to move in with him... You know, Pete is a great guy once you get used to his perfectness and his habit of forgetting his phone...We have never seen him become this close to anyone this fast"

I smiled wide at his words... "I take it that you know Pete for a long time?"

"Oo yes, We do, Green and I, have known Pete since our school days, We went to same school, Pete and Green are best friends as you already know and I used to always hangout with them. Even after Pete moved out of his parent's , Green and Pete used to meet and practice together, then luckily we all could get into same college..., Green was unstoppable when he found out that Pete was going to be our classmate again" Blue smiled remembering Green's reaction, I guess.

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