25. Winter Blanket

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"..... I certainly do...."


Pete struggled to open the keys while i concentrated on keeping us from falling, as our lips denied to part, his tongue is sluprping on mine as his hands searched for the lock, which in-turn made my body push into him making him stagger, our minds are caring about us but our limbs refused to listen, they kept eagerly roaming on each other pinching and kneading wherever they could.

Once Pete finally managed to open the door, we both stumbled into the bright room and Pete pinned  me to the wall not letting me go as he caught the skin on my shoulder and bite at it again. 

"Aaahhhh...." I lowkey screamed with pain but it went unheard as the next thing Pete did was to rip my shirt, getting excited at my already marked chest. 

I was not sane too, I pulled him closer so I can feel him everywhere as he attacked my ears now clearing my view and what i saw caught me dumb. I strongly gripped Pete's shoulders to push him, but he was soo stubborn that he stuck to me like a leech. 

"PETE..." I finally shouted as I gathered all my strength to push him away... "look..." I blurted annoyed pulling my shirt up, my cheeks now blushing from embrassement. 

"Mish..." Pete exclaimed... "How..." but he stopped the sentence mid way and placed a hand on his hips.... "Who told you that you could use the spare key?"

P'Mish giggled  and retorted "Who told you I won't...". I struggled to look up at them as embrassent weighed me down. 

Pete, that idiot, just shrugged... "Anyway... I am glad  you could see all that, now you saw with your own eyes, who the top is..." Pete proudly smirked as he pulled me to his side and wraped a hand around my neck. 

I slapped his hand and ran into my room to change after politely wishing P'Mish and P'Ram, glad to be able to escape. 

I freshened up and came back out  just in time to see Pete asking... "Why are you guys here uninvited anyway...?"

"Obviously, i am here to save my baby brother from your craziness..." She came and side hugged me. I smiled at her and hugged her back. 

Pete glared at both of us. 

"Stop teasing them..." P'Ram instructed and P'Mish pouted at him. 

But P'Ram ignored and pulled a box from his pocket... "We are here to deliver this..."

Pete's eyes turned mad as he looked at it... "It was done...?"

"long back..." P'Mish shrugged. 

"Mish, I...I...." Pete stuttered with anger... "I am going to definetly take revenge for this..."

"Uu hu... Go ahead... All you can do is sulk for a weak...." Mish retorted pulling me closer.

Pete stomped to us and pulled me to him and spout with anger...  " You just watch, I am going to marry one day without telling you"

"Haan.. you wish..." P'Mish tinted her eyes challanging.

As they continued arguing i slowly slipped away into the kitchen to cook something. P'Ram joined me shortly.

"You need any help..." P'Ram offered as i sniffed cutting onions.

I smiled at him... "It's almost done P, don't worry, You should go check on them though, They might go on till tomorrow if no one stops them... "

He chuckled... " They will stop eventually... Let's let them be... but what about you... Are you okay?"

Somehow the question made me blush and i stutterrd as I struggled to answer... "I.. I am good...P'  nothing is wrong with me...."

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