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"It could be torturous, it could even leave bruises, You would still want it....You might even need it...Only If it's with THE One though, the one you yearn to belong with..."


Hey Sapiens, Just wanted to give you guys a disclaimer first that it's gonna get  just a bit hot between Pete and I, in this chapter, So be warned and skip the part if you are not into smut. Thank you.

We were walking, air filled with only the sounds of the sea. I felt suddenly tired from walking, could be the whole journey or walking around the whole day or the talk i just had with Pete or could just be the relief that is washing over me, but i wanted to suddenly run back to the dorm and sleep till i grow week. I looked at Pete, he seemed to be deep in thought, his two mysterious eyes lost deep in between present and life. They gave me the strength to keep myself erect and not give into the tiredness that has creeped into my legs unanounced.

The solitary however was broken by the ringtone. Pete quickly pulled out his mobile and answered, annoyance clear in his voice "Yes, Drew?"

"Where did you go missing Pete, Didn't you say you are hungry, come to the dining area, the dinner is being served" Drew's voice was soo loud that i could here him all the way from Pete's other side.

"Okay, Okay, We will head there now" Pete answered calming the guy on the other side.

"We? As in Kao?" Drew asked again. This time the voice was feeble for me to understand clearly but my probian hearing did give me the advantage.

"Yes, now go keep our places, we will be there soon" With that Pete cut the call.

We were already heading towards the dining area, like all we had left to say to each other is our heavy breaths and racing hearts.

Once i am full, i couldn't stop sleep from clouding my eyes. And everyone seems to be agreeing with me as by the time we entered the dorm the lights are out and almost everyone was already snoring. I too quickly washed up and headed to bed. I saw Pete was on his bed and seemed like he is already in his dream land. I smiled at his sleeping face and climbed up to snuggle into myself.

I was gone the moment my head hit the pillow, however it wouldn't even have been five minutes before my sleep was disturbed again. I was brought back by the movements of the bed and a hard body seeping into my blanket. I just adjusted myself to make space and settled to sleep again. Just waiting for the movement to stop. 

I could feel hot breath on my head before i heard "Kao..."

"Uu" I replied sleepily, i cursed myself for being too tired for waking up even when Pete was soo close to me. I am not sure why i am feeling comfortable having someone else in my bed, it shouldn't be as this is the first time this is happening.

The sleep didn't let me comprehend immediately what it was when i felt something on my forehead, it took  me a whole 120 seconds to realize that it was Pete's ever soft lips. 

"Are you still sleepy?" I heard the voice like it's coming from a mile away.

"U" I barely managed to reply. Pete's scent is soo soothing that i just want to snuggle into him, it's making me feel too drowsy.

The thing i sensed next was a slight movement and softness on my forehead again. A bit long and wet this time. 

I could wake up only enough to comprehend it faster this time.

"Now?" Pete asked again. 

 I clearly realized what he is trying to do. He is telling me he is feeling hot, I got that but i really can't do anything about it, not when we are in a room full of people. So I moved closer and adjusted my head on to his chest, almost half of my body on his. His heart beat was fast and his breathing was hot and heavy. It made me smile as i tried making the same sound again "Uuu"

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