20. The Cure

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A/N: Sincere apologies before hand for incase what's coming won't meet your expectations. The remaining two chapters will also be uploaded soon...

"And the only Cure to it is Sex....."


I could tell, tell what's going on in Kao's mind. I have been noticing his heightened heart beat since morning, it is too loud to ignore and it's almost like he doesn't want it to be ignored. Everyone is affected by his smell today, though no one was able to pin point what got them drunk, I for sure know it's Kao's scent. If I had known his heat was hitting today, I wouldn't have agreed to have this get together. Thank god for I could get rid of them fast.

The beads on his forehead were unmistakable, they were not drying at all, he keeps wiping and they keep appearing. His aura, I have never felt something so intense. I have read about how intense our heat gets when we fall in love for the first time, though I didn't imagine it to be this intense, it sure has to be the reason. He hasn't told me he loves me yet but I am sure that is what this intensity mean. It's no joke, the thickness in the air even has me sweating. Is this how he felt last week when I was in heat. I know Kao could completely sense me from here, but my legs are shivering, shivering from the fear that I might not be good enough for him. Fear that once I get through that door there is no turning back. I never felt this short of breath, I am now breathing heavily through my mouth trying to calm myself.

But I know I need to do this. Heat is like fever, except we feel much stronger than we normally are, confused, frustrated and irritated from the raising temperature inside. And the only cure to it is Sex or we will have to lock ourselves till it passes. I am right here and I could only imagine how frustrated Kao is getting because of my presence.

"Pete...!" the voice was too feeble and intoxicated that I thought it was all in my head.

"Peteee...!" it's a whimper, he is in need, I am feeling it. I gulped as my eyes moistened but there is no way I am turning back, it's my love in there and there is no way I am letting him down. My sweaty hands gripped the nob stronger than necessary and pulled the door open.

He let out a sigh of relief and slumped his shoulders relaxing as soon as he saw me. He was sitting on the bed by the head board hugging his legs. I had to blink rapidly to stop a tear roll out of my eyes, damn, when did I fall for him this hard.

When I saw him looking at me expectantly, I climbed on to the bed slowly shifting to sit beside him, closer that my whole right side is touching him and it burnt, he was burning. As soon as he felt me he changed his position to turn sideways and hug me, burying his face on my chest. I too wrapped a hand around him in the attempt to calm him down.

I was observing how our heightened heart beats are in rhythm when Kao looked up at me, his face clouded with lust. But when I tried to look into his eyes his eyes closed and his head started moving up getting near to mine. I widened my eyes to let the alluring scene be etched in my brain.

He was near enough for me to feel his breath on my lips, I closed my eyes and let my lips nuzzle on his. Once we were aligned my tongue ran on his quivering lips. His head tilted more giving me better access. He opened up easily without any prompt. When did I do soo much good that this angle is trusting me this much.

He tastes like that fruit cocktail I order whenever I go to the bar. I tightened my hand around him and deepened my tongue... his tongue entangled mine and they kept playing with one another. I was lost in the play tasting him, I could make it my new hobby.

We were side hugging and kissing, his hands around my waist and my one hand around him pressing him to me. The sky has started drizzling a little, I could feel the cold breeze through the opening in the window and I could also feel my body warming up from the trans like kiss.

I was deep into it, not ready to break it and realized I was lost when Kao pushed his tongue harder into mine moving to sit a bit straight. I pulled him more into me like it was possible and bit his lower lip to show my dominance.

He hissed and pulled back making a sulky face. I gave him a smirk and pushed him down on to his back. Turned all red, lip bleeding and still lusty, Kao looked alluring. I can devour him all night if he let me.

Without any dwelling I climbed and straddled him. Looking at him straight from above like that only fueled my dom DNA, I want to take him inch by inch, afteral I did say our first time has to be special. I started with licking his ears, when I leaned in and ran my tongue over his soft lobe, he shivered a little under me.

But the way he tilted his head I knew he wants it. So I continued, with pinching his lobe between my lips, Kao gulped uncomfortably. And for me it felt like soft meat I would like to eat for breakfast everyday.

I then trailed my tongue down on to his neck just below his cheek bone. His head only stretched back letting me discover the whole area. The area looked so tender that I only gave a peck to test the waters. Ummm.... I do anything more it's gonna develop a bruise... but so what .... I caught the thin skin between my lips and pulled at it...

"Urghmmm..." That earned me a low groan now from Kao and I am only determined to continue. I moved a bit lower and repeated my actions just to see skin there turn blood red. It was not enough for me, i wanted more colour, So I licked the place wet before giving it a good bite. His skin between my teeth felt like candy, it almost melt in my mouth.

I felt his hand tightening under me when I did that... and that made my attention shift. I slid a bit down and took his snow hand into mine pecking, sucking and kissing it wherever I could reach. It might make him relax, but all I saw was him giggle and twist.

"Ahhh... that's tickling Pete... Ahh ha ha ha..." When he says my kisses are tickling him what am I supposed to do. I wrapped my lips on the muscle of his forearm and dug in.

"Ouch... " He closed his eyes and bit his tongue from my actions... it made me feel bad immediately and so I tried sucking and soothing the bite mark with my tongue.

When I looked back at Kao he is breathing heavily... looking drowsy and lost... The mark I made on his neck now a visible purple... I quickly went back to kiss it... that made him grown from pain again.. "Umm..." It was not a painful grown though it was a satisfactory grown.

The other side of his neck however looked too bear to me and made me attack there this time. Deciding to rest my teeth for a while, I sucked and kissed his skin there not knowing why I wanted to keep doing it , I kept doing it to the same spot until I felt Kao's hands weaving into my hair pulling.

When I let his skin go finally, he strongly pulled me in for a kiss. My hand felt free and took the liberty to roam on his chest. It felt fit and healthy. They stopped when they felt a hard bud underneath and squeezed without any prompt.

"Aaaawww..." Kao gave out a squeal arching his back in the process. My hand was not showing any mercy, don't know why it thought it has the right but it kept squeezing, pulling and twisting the bud so hard that I had to keep kissing Kao to keep him distracted from the torture.

His hands gripped my back neck and hair positioning me to show all his frustration into the kiss... while his torso betrayed him and kept pushing itself into my hands. My both hands settled on his chest now kneading at the muscle there. I was not aware of the grounding of our hips until I felt something hard press at my abdomen. I pushed his shoulders down pinning him to the bed breaking the kiss.

The want in me is raging now, I know it's his first time, I need to go slow, I have told myself a thousand times to be gentle, and how am I supposed to that when he looks this vulnerable, this willing and this alluring.

P.S: Hopefully you still wanna read what's coming....

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