35. Something New

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️ yep, there is smut🌶😅

"Coz It's not Sex, it's making love....."

The time flew by fast and it was the day we had to leave and go back to the life where we will have only ourselves to take care of us. I smiled as I looked at Pete sitting in the balcony looking at the sea sadly. He looks chubbier than he has ever been in the last three years thanks to my Mom's love for cooking.

It made me conscious about myself too.... "I will have to go to gym everyday now to get back into shape..." I said looking down at myself.

He turned to me and chuckled.... "Why! You look prettier than ever...." He pinched my cheeks.

"You too, You look really good with a bit of cheeks..." I pinched his cheeks too. 

"Haan....!?" He exclaimed rubbing his cheeks.... "I only stopped practicing for two weeks and I am already fat, This won't do...."

I sighed... "You will loose it in a weak anyway, what are you worried about...."

He immediately sat on his knees infront of me gripping my legs.... "Ya, I will loose it fast, So you can't abandon me...."

"What!" I laughed.... "I don't love you just for your looks Pete...." I squeezed his face in my palms. 

"Is it? What do you love me for then?" He asked thoughtfully. 

"I will tell you when I know...." I smiled.... "Love doesn't really need a reason anyway..."

"Hmmmm.... Ya I don't know why I love you soo much too...." he agreed thoughtfully... "We are running out of time, Let's go...."

I quickly checked my watch.... "Wow... I didn't notice the time at all, Let me go bid farewell to my parents, I will meet you outside on the porch...." He nodded sadly as I dashed out of there. 

Mom packed Puy and me a lot of food, She even packed some for Pete. Once we have bid our goodbyes and had our luggage sorted we headed to the airport. Ofcourse I wanted to take the Bus back to the city but Pete didn't agree this time saying we have to be back as soon as possible and help Ant. It's Blue's and Ant's Anniversary and Ant is throwing a surprise party for Blue.

P'Mish has arranged a car for us from Airport, We dropped Puy first and reached home. It was almost time for us to meet Ant, So I quickly freshened up and changed. I have to wash all my shirts, So deciding to laundry early next day I wore the new shirt that My father had gifted me. But when I saw Pete lazing on the bed I had to shout at him... "Will you move? We are going to be late..."

 Instead, he caught my hand and pulled me, hugging my waist and lifting me on to the bed. I was under him before I could let out a curse. He started kissing my face all over as he crumpled my shirt. 

"Pete, you are gonna ruin the shirt..." I whined pushing Pete away.

"So?" He moves on to my neck making me shiver. he knew that's my weakest point. 

"Please..." I gasp unable to get back my control.

"Fine, Go and change..." He suddenly moves away.

"No, I don't have any clean clothes, you go change, we need to head out and help Ant with the party, remember...?" I reminded him as I got off the bed. I could see that he was hard, but he will have to deal with it on his own tonight.

"What! No! We are not going anywhere... Just wear one of my shirts, quick..." Pete urged.

"Hmmm... Ant is gonna kill us if we don't go today despite being back in the city...." I warned.

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