43. The Punishment

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Either accept that you deserve me or keep disappointing me......


I can't believe that it's already been six months since we graduated and One month since we started working in our own office. We were able to secure required investments in just two months and started recruiting and building teams even before we graduated thanks to our Probian charm. I smiled at my own thoughts as I locked my computer and looked across the corridor. It has been tough on Kao as he chose to work in Marketing and Execution while I am handling Finance and Logistics. 

I walked to his Office and knocked on his open door, He looked up from his computer and smiled as soon as he saw me. 

"Ready to head out?" I asked him smiling back. 

Instead of answering he pouted and opened his hands. I immediately walked to him and hugged him rubbing his back. 

"I have a client meeting at Six" He whined.

I sighed into his neck.... "I told you not to schedule meetings out of work timings...."

"I know, It's just he is flying out tomorrow If we let him go now we will never be able to get him to work with us..." He whined again. 

I pulled a bit away and looked at him.... "Okay, I will come with you..."

He shook his head... "Go home please, and cook me something delicious...." And he was smiling again

I didn't want to miss that smile even for a second and the fact that I am being forced to miss it made me angry, I pulled away and straightened myself.... "For the last time, You, We are not allowed to work late, I hate that you are falling into this Human's routine, Don't you get it?"

He nods tiredly... "This is the last time, I give you my word, I will make it fast and head home as soon as I am done...."

"Still, Know that you will be punished for breaking the rule..." I said sternly

He looked sad all of a sudden... "No, Pete please...."

"Let's make it three days this time so you will remember..." I added

"Three days!!" He exclaimed... "No way..."

I stood there and glared at him.

"Please Pete, I really had no choice...." He tried to explain

"You could have let him go, We have enough clients already to keep us busy..." I shrugged

"This is a big one..." He kept giving excuses

I cut him... "Kao, read my lips.... I DON'T CARE"

He sank back into his chair.

"I am going home, I am taking the bike so you take a cab when you are done, I will make you dinner tonight and your punishment starts in the morning...." I concluded

He looked like he was about to cry but he didn't and just nodded... "But Traffic will be heavy right now, why don't you take a cab, I will bring the bike" He suggested

"Nope, I don't want you to tire yourself than you already are... " I stated and turned back to leave

"Pete..." He called me and I stopped to look back at him

"Is there anything I can do to reduce the punishment?" He requested

"Well, You can cancel the meeting and head home with me right now..." I shrugged

"I wish, But he is already on his way if I cancel now it will not be just loosing an important client but also bad reputation...." He explained with his pleading eyes

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