29. Reaction

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"..... I was proud to be his....."

⚠️ Smut continued


I am enjoying this too much that i am afraid i might just wake up any minute and realize that its a dream..
Pete under my control... Hmmm... That doesn't happen often.

His normally soft voice being husky, that itself is enough to drive me to the edge.

The only fact that he is under me is keeping me from giving up. I wanted him to know he is mine and no one, when i say no one, not even him can neglect this fact.

I wanted to go ballistic when i saw that slit dressed girl on the dance
floor eyeing him... So when he asked me to dance i chose a spot and moved making sure his eyes won't roam anywhere, so everyone can see that he is already taken.

But i felt disabled when he kept looking at all the girls around, i almost gave up when he came and dragged me out.

Now he is where i have been longing to have him, i will show him how does it truly feel to be mine.
But not before he accepts that he is mine.

All my senses are hyperactive now... Thinking of every possible way of making him hot...
I can already see he is gasping for breath...
I know my slow moments on his d*ck must be torturous... especially now when it seems like he is longing for a release...

"No Pete, try again" I said with the same raspy voice i have maintained tonight, rubbing his hard head with my thumb.
" Aahhhaa" he moaned again, he must be feeling sour all over his chest with my bites now.
"PETE, I am Pete" He shouted as i bit and pulled his nipple again between my teeth.
"Uuuhuuu" I said licking his neck again trailing down to his navel.
" You wanna try again babe? " I said biting over his belly button... He quivered all over...
"I... I... am.... KAO'S PETE I am your BOY FRIEND... DAMN IT" he tore his throat with that sentence as i sucked his hard head.
Well... That's it... There he goes... I was smirking and smiling proudly... When i looked up to take a complete look at him...
He is drowned in sweat, he is red like summer sun... His chest heaving up and down like the room has no oxygen... He is licking his lips and moaning slowly like he is still feeling everything i just did...
I never saw him like this, soo vulnerable and exposed....
I forgot to complete what i was doing as i froze there appreciating his hotness...
"KAO" his sudden shout brought me back...
I moved my hands on his hard-on and started moving them faster... As i moved to his ears and asked him...
" How do you wanna cum Pete, in my hand or mouth" I was rubbing my lips on his chin, pecking.
Guess that gap was enough for him to recover as next thing i knew, i was on my fours my ass sticking up to him...
And I heard him saying " Remember to blame yourself when you can't walk in the morning" with that he just thrusted into me. That send shivers up my spine.
"Aaaa aaaa". I shouted not realizing I was.... "E...a..sy" i screamed...
He bent down to wrap a hand around my waist to lift me up...
"God damn it Pete" my teeth are gritted...
" You asked for it baby" with that he started moving at inhuman pace and my eyes went blue with pain... All i could do is shout and scream and scratch wherever i could reach... But Pete was not showing any mercy....
I could sense that he is not letting himself cum... I know he won't until he is sure i won't wake up with out regret...
He then pushed me down and lifted my legs up on to his shoulders to enter me in a thrust ruthlessly again...
"Look at me... " He ordered while he started pouncing again....
I did as i am told, i was completely under his control and I don't even remember how it happened
Shit... He is a god .... Only gods are allowed to have that body...
I couldn't close my eyes again... Pain in my ass forgotten... A smile is spreading on my lips as i looked at his lusty face and heated body... The bites on his chest are making him look more sexy like its even possible.... I was proud of me...I was proud to be his...
He then started alternating his speed accelerating and decelerating, punishing on his mind, while my bottom parts felt like they are gonna die soon....
I moved my hands towards my dick hoping to atleast relax one part..... But...
"Do you really wanna try that" he asked in such a dangerous tone that my hands involuntarily went back to gripping the blanket ....
I am aching all over, with pleasure, with heat, with need of release...
"For F*ck's sake Pete, F*ck me harder and let me cum"
"You keep wishing baby" he said before pulling out and flipping me, i am on him now.... I was gonna breakdown soon .....
"Go on... ride me..." he ordered again... He didn't finish his sentence yet, I started riding him with my full force moving at my maximum strength... In a minute he flipped me again and rode me at a pace i couldn't even imagine possible, hitting my spot every damn time till he came all done inside me,which still felt like too long after i came all over my chest.

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