40. The Bath

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"........Coz if it's not unconditional, It's not Love........."


I have reached our new house, which Kao would rather call a Palace and found the front gate and door both open. I made sure I locked them behind me and entered the hall way. I couldn't find Kao in first few rooms, so I started shouting, knowing full well that he would be able to here me. "KAO! Where are you???"

"In here Pete" I heard the voice from the rare end and followed the path only to find Kao in the ...well... in the master Bathroom.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked as soon as I could see him.

"Running a bath ofcourse" He was wearing a comfortable T-Shirt and Shorts, which told me he is planning the night here.

"Hmmm.... I can see that Kao, But why are you running a bath now, Are we not going back to the condo?" I asked a bit annoyed after a long day of lectures, project presentation and practice. And the drive from college was too long.

"Ya... well, We are both tired and we moved most of our belongings anyway, So I was thinking we can stay the night, but you are a bit early the bath isn't ready yet" I saw bubbles raising with the water in the huge bathtub and a familiar scent hit me forcing me to take a long breath.

"I take it you like the smell of it?" He asked walking towards me as his, my ever favorite, bath lotion continued to make me feel more at home. And involuntary smile spread on my lips.

"Exactly, what have you planned Kao?" I questioned once he was beside me, looking up at me.

He slightly tiptoed to give me a peck on my lips and started unbuttoning my shirt.

"Kao!?, Are you seducing me right now?" He didn't answer like he needs all the concentration to undress me. I just kept looking at his marvelous face, which I could never seem to be getting used to. Once he was done with the buttons, he pulled my shirt off, his finger tips grazing my skin.

"Since the first time I saw the big bath tub I have been longing to use it" He said now kneeling infront of me and unzipping my pants.

"We could have done this anytime, All you had to do was ask" I said with raspy voice and pulled him up to drown him in a desperate kiss. He is making me hot with every passing second and with every atom that is moving with his muscles.

But he stepped back. "Hmmm?"
I was puzzled. He went on to his Knees again to pull off my boxers then stood to hold my hand as he gently led me towards the bath.

I just followed his lead all naked. Once we are there he signed me to step in. I hesitantly put one leg in only to welcome a comfortable warmth spread through me, making my smile even bigger . I unconsciously dipped my other leg also in to the bath. From that point on I just decided to let Kao take the lead as it has become clear that he will only reveal his plans one at a time, so I might as well not ruin the surprise again.

He then loosely pressed my shoulders down and I went on to settle myself in the giant bath tub. By the time i looked up, i saw Kao taking off his T-shirt. I let my eyes just follow his every action, his fair skin glistening in my blue sclera. Once he dropped the T-shirt carefully beside my clothes he went on to sit on the edge of the bathtub by my head. And i was devastatingly disappointed at how slow he was in getting into the tub with me.

After a minute of silence, i observed a calming track fill the room like fog, enchanting my ear drums. I didn't realise that i have closed my eyes until i felt his smooth hands on my strained shoulders.

Not knowing i was, i released my shoulders down feeling everything he wanted me to feel. After a few minutes i realised what's going on, Kao is giving me a massage, a skilled one, when did he learn how to massage. His hands on my shoulders are pressing slowly but firmly, i could feel that he was aiming for my pressure points. What did I do in my last life to deserve him. I tried getting up wanting to kiss him, deep and slow.
But his hands on my shoulders pressed hard wanting me to stay in place. I obeyed. As much as i wanted that kiss i was not strong enough to stop what i am feeling myself. It's like the pleasantness in the music is flowing into my body through his hands. I was half asleep by the time his hands moved on to my head.
His thumbs pressed on to sides of my forehead and i was instantly floating in the clouds. His thumbs moved in circles and they were not his anymore. It felt like I can't survive without them, like if they loose contact with me i will loose my balance and fall right into hell. As they kept pressing hard on to my skull, tears flowed down my eyes. Not being in my right mind i let them flow.

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