53. My Kao

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"........Pete is mine....."

A/N:  Finally, Pete's POV!!!!!!! I wanted to write this chapter from Pete's POV, So you all can understand him better. Let's gooooo!!!!


"Where are you Kao, the lasagna is getting cold!" I murmured to myself redialing Kao's number but he didn't answer. 

"Why would he not answer my call" I dialed again but there was no response. 

This has never happened before, I never worried about Kao like this before, what is even happening, damn I shouldn't have let him go alone. 

"What should I do now!" I couldn't help but walk up and down the porch waiting for him. 

Until I remembered how Kao had installed and linked our GPS long back. I opened my phone hoping the app was still installed and working and there it was. 

"What is Kao even doing there? Did he lose his phone, But there is no way he would, right!" I kept talking to myself as I walked to the main road to call a cab

It took some time to find a cab as it was late and I followed GPS to Kao's phone's location. It was a low-rated hotel. I showed receptionist Kao's photo and only had to give him a few bucks to get the spare keys from him. I did not expect anything, I could not guess why Kao would be in a place like that. But as soon as entered the floor I heard Kao's voice...

"Ummm... Won't you take my pants off too? You are indeed patient today" his voice was filled with lust. I couldn't stop myself from breaking that door open. 

I couldn't comprehend what I was feeling but seeing someone on top of half-naked Kao was not something I could do for long. I pulled Kao to me pushing the stranger off him... "Pete..haha...Pete" But Kao was laughing... "Let's not stop, Not now Pete, I want you"

The guy he was tugging at was not me. I pulled Kao again to make him look at me. He immediately clung to my chest... "Pete, Pete, see, I am seeing you everywhere, So, please don't stop now"

I shook him... "Kao. wake up, why are you here?"

"Pete, Pete," He hopped onto my hip and the stranger just ran away before I could catch him. 

I gripped Kao tightly... "Kao, snap out of it"

"Pete, Pete, Don't you want me anymore?" Kao pouted

"Kao, let's go home" I pulled him, but he refused to budge, kissing me everywhere

It was hard to make him wear his shirt and drag him home. But on the way home he fell asleep and no matter what I tried he didn't wake up. I realized letting him sleep it off was the only option and carried him to the bed room. There was no way I could fall asleep though. 

As I sat in the study and reminisced what happened, it hit me, it finally hit me... "What, What if I didn't get there on time, What if he... he was... KAOOOO"

I held my head... "Not again" This is what has been happening every night, I re-live everything that happened that night and wake up in the middle of the night. I can never let Kao see me like this. My cheeks got warm from the flowing tears, thanks to Kao I know how to cry now. But I couldn't let him see them, earlier in the dining room too though he wanted to see me, I couldn't let him, I couldn't let him realize I was crying. Not again. 

But I want to see him, Damn this heat, the only reason I can control myself is because this is the only way I can protect us, I can protect Kao. Still, I can see him from afar, right?

I slowly walked to the living room, Kao had been sleeping on the couch there instead of in the bedroom.   I knew I was the reason but I had to do it. Maybe because the drug still affecting him, he had been sleeping pretty soundly and I was glad since I could observe him without getting caught and even talk to him. 

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