23. The Shift

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"...the shift that could give me a life i would die for...."


As the bright Sun light weighed my eyes I tried to open them which were completely unwilling to cooperate. Once they were half open I spread my arms to search for the body that showed me how shuttling between heaven and hell would feel like last night. But i found no one. Disappointed, I took a deep breath and tried to be awake again. Just then the door opened and I opened my eyes to Pete holding a breakfast tray.

"Good Morning..." He cheered with his surreal smile. 

I smiled back... "Good Morning... What's the time?" I asked as my eyes are still adjusting to the bright light. 

He placed the tray on the bedside table and pulled the curtains closed making the room a bit dark... "It's half-past-twelve... I brought you some painkillers, Have some breakfast and the pills, You will feel fine by the evening..."

"Haan... No... There is nothing wrong with me, I am fin... Aaahhh..." I fell down as i tried to sit up. Damn, it, My whole back hurts. 

"Told you... Just relax... You will be fine soon..." His soothing voice coaxed me better than his hand that slowly rubbed  on my cheeks. 

"Wait... You have a match today... Aaahhh..." I winced as i tried to sit up again. 

He chuckled, bringing a spoon of porridge to my mouth... "Had, I had a match this morning..."

"You missed it? because of me? Pete I am soo stupid, I am sorry..." I whinned pushing the spoon away.

"What no!" He pushed my forehead as if to knock some sense into me and said bringing the spoon back to my lips... "We won... It was a great match, You can watch the recording later, I will send you the link..."

I frowned confused... "You went to the match?"

"Haan..." He answered shrugging... "It was at 8 in the morning... And it was over by 10, I called you but you didn't pick, So i knew you were still sleeping and decided to bring you food.."

Somehow those words pricked me like needles, I sure would have felt bad if he hasn't went to play and university lost a match, but the thought that he left me alone for that match made me feel jealous of it. The fact that I was not there cheering him made me feel dssapointed. But that's not fair, I shouldn't expect him to give up on his passion just becausse now he is sleeping with me. And So i convinced myself that I am over-reacting. 

As I gulped the painkiller down Pete asked... " Do you want anything? or Do you want to go back to sleep?" 

I smiled at him. He sure cares a lot about me. I shouldn't become that jealous and needy kind ever. 

I shook my head at him... " No, Can you just pass me my laptop?" I decided to do a bit of research. 

Tay also shook his head at me and leaned forward, I pulled myself back confused.

"Come on, Give me a kiss, I won a match afterall..." He looked at me seriously. 

I smiled at that and parted my lips, tilting my head, I reached for him and when I felt his juicy and talented lips on mine, my eyes closed involuntraly. As i let his tongue graze mine, the memories of last night flood my memory. Not minding the pain that kept shooting up my back, I wrapped my hands around him and pulled him up on to me as he kept kissing me faster and deeper. His tongue has a special power of making me feel like food, I want him to eat me up all over again. 

"Uhmmm..."  I moaned in pleasure when the very tongue moved on to my neck. My whole body started shivering again as i tried hard to stay consious, to be myself, to not give in to his dominance, but like he knows exactly what he is supposed to do, He bit on a previously made bite and my back arched as i let out a whimper.

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