30. Expectations

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"........Your's fill the gaps in mine......."


I tossed and turned as the day started to seep into my system. And I could, because I had the whole bed to myself. Ofcourse, I didn't expect Pete to be still in bed, But I smiled as I imagined seeing him reading the news with his leg's crossed on the chair by the window. I smelled coffee and breakfast, he must have ordered already.

However my smile faded as I slowly opened my eyes, I sat up as I looked around the room. The chair was right where I remembered it to be but there were clean clothes on it and not Pete. My stomach whirled and I felt worse than when I had diarrhea. My eyes moistened when I realized, Pete has left me again.

Somehow, Everytime I wake up alone, I feel it, I feel like I am left, though I know he is just being the responsible captain and student and fulfilling his duties, I am not able to convince myself that it's okay to wake up alone. It's been more than six months since we started dating and moved in, but I have never even once woke up to him.

Tears welled up into my eyes, I blinked them away convincing myself that it's not his fault, He didn't say he will stay when we came to bed last night, It was me who had that expectation. And it's not right of me to expect he would change just because we are in a relationship now.

Once I could calm myself a bit, I woke up and checked the sticky note on the bed side.

"Good morning Babe :), Did you sleep well? I am sorry for leaving you alone but you were sleeping so well that I didn't have the heart to wake you up, So I am taking a cab to college, The bike keys are with Vallet, Drive safely. Love you...."

I sighed as I read the note before noticing there is another one just beside.

"Do have breakfast before you leave and Drew must have left your phone at the reception, Don't forget to collect it, Come soon, I miss you already..."

Well.... That did make me smile... The hotel room immediately started feeling foreign, So I hurried up to freshen up and left as soon as I could. Ofcourse, the receptionist informed that the room is already paid for when I asked her if they take cards.

Vallet recognised me at first glance and gave me the keys before I could even ask.

I eyed him suspiciously.... "How did you know that it was me?"

"You are fair, beautiful, You seem innocent, have round eyes, 5 feet 10 inch tall, have a mole on your nose and you do look like you are in love.... I don't think there is anyone else with that description in this world " He smiled.

I couldn't help but smile too.... "Thank you..." I thanked and headed home.

As I rode , I couldn't help but wonder what did he mean when he said that I look like I am in love.

No one was home by the time I reached , So I straight away resumed research on my project to pass some time.

Pete came home later than usual Sundays... But thank goodness he brought lunch, I was too engrossed with work that I forgot about cooking, And he somehow seems to know everything despite not being there with me.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked when we were half way through lunch.

"Uuhu... The pain killers wore off, But I feel fine..." I assured.

"You took your phone but you forgot to turn it back on, I had to call the hotel to confirm that you left already..." He complained.

I immediately pulled my phone and saw that it was switched off, I looked at him guiltily.

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