24. "I LOVE YOU"

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"Coz If i don't I won't be me...."


We were all at our usual lunch table, Kao beside me. Since we have moved in together, it has become an untold rule that we will have our meals together and since Kao is hanging out with us a lot these days, Drew and Green also have grown comfortable around him and Kao started ordering them around just like he does with me, i get it that i am obliged to listen to Kao as i am trying to impress him and make sure he won't reject when I go onto my knees and ask him to be my boyfriend, but i don't know why Drew and Green are doing it. Guess friendship does weird things to people.

And talking about asking him to become my boyfriend, i wanted to do it for sometime now, but my devil of a sister took my word that i would not do it without her permission. She said if it is too early it might freak Kao out and the story might turn upside down. I don't get what her point was since we are already living together but she is the expert in the field, so i chose to listen to her and now i am not sure how long i can hold myself.

"Drew, how many times, do i have to tell you that you need to chew the food thoroughly before swallowing it, otherwise it might lead to a numerous health problems" Kao started nagging.

Drew turned to me rolling his eyes "Pete, how do you bear this boy, he nags too much" i smiled at him, if he retorts and asks Kao to shut it, Kao would never bother him again but he won't because though they didn't realise, Drew and Green has started liking Kao. And Kao has started feeling them as his own, he would never nag at them otherwise. It filled my heart to think that my boyfriend and best friends are going to getting along well, it might seem to be a simple thing but these little things are the ones that matter the most.

I was laughing at how Green joined Kao to irritate Drew when i heard "P'Pete..."

I turned to see a cute girl smiling down shyly at me.

"Yes, Nong... " I smiled back at her. We are sophomeres now and Freshers always approach us for something or the other....

"P'Pete..., I , I..."  She was stuttering and eyeing her friends who were encouraging her not to stop, i waited patiently as Freshers sometimes really get scared to talk to us.

After a couple of minutes there was no sound coming from her and she has already caught the attention of other three at the table as they have now stopped teasing eachother and eyeing her.

"Tell me Nong" I asked with the same smile to encourage her, kids these days are too sensitive and need to be handled delicately.

"P'Pete, Can we meet after school?" She finally said, but that was not what i was expecting at all...

"Aaa... I have practice after the classes Nong, you can tell me whatever it is now... It is completely fine" i tried to encourage her again...

"P'Pete, I .. I can wait for you... " She said still not getting to the matter.

"Nong, if it's something too sensitive i would suggest you to talk to one of your female seniors first, they would be able to help you better,
Let me give you Grace's number, She will definitely respond, don't worry" I said as i fished out my mobile and searched for Grace's number.

"I love you" was what i heard next.

I instinctively turned my head up to look at her and her expression confirmed my doubt, it was not her.

"I love you Pete" I heard again and true to my joy it was Kao.

"What? Why? " I asked as rage for my sister hit my heart, i was supposed to say those words first.

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