50. Family

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"......We are supposed to say harsh things to each other and make up again....."

"I know how many kisses can fit between his shoulders, I know in how many spoons he can finish a bowl of warm soup, I know how many seconds it takes for him to gulp down a beer can, P', I know how much cloth he needs for his shirts, I know how tall he can reach on his toes, I know how he sounds when he is tired, I know what his different kinds of silences mean, I know how he laughs when he is hurting, I know how his eyes tear up when he can't control his love, how his neck turns red when he can't control his lust, I know how he stands, how he sits, how he walks, how he talks, how he breaths, how he fucks in all the moods, P',  I know how wide he smiles when he is in joy and How narrow he smiles when he is faking it, Just like now..." Kao slowly murmured beside P'Ram as he kept twirling the wine glass in his hand... "And he thinks I can cheat on him, huh..." He let out a sarcastic smile, His eyes still on Pete who was greeting everyone the same even after the award ceremony had been over. 

"Kao, You sound worse right now, What did you guys even talk about in the afternoon? I thought you were going home with him tonight" P'Mish who was sitting beside P'Ram asked concerned

" I am P', I am indeed going home with him tonight, Good thing he said he is okay with it, Otherwise I was planning on camping outside my own home" Kao chuckled again... "I really wish I could get drunk right now, Or else do you know anyone who sells that drug they gave me that night P'Ram?" 

P'Ram sighed and looked at P'Mish who seemed concerned

"Kao, You really are not making any sense, Is that drug still messing with you? , I don't think you are thinking straight anymore, Why aren't you excited about going home with Pete?" P'Mish asked again

" P' He said he wants me to go home only because he needs time to get over me, Not because he believes me. He is still doubting himself for everything and I... I am not sure how i am going to convince him otherwise now... He is in even worse shape than i thought he would be" Kao made a lost face

P'Mish and P'Ram once again looked at each other not knowing how to encourage Kao.

Pete who was greeting the guests walked over to them just then.

" Shouldn't we head out now?" He asked the low spirited trio with a smile

"Look at him smiling P', It's not even reaching his eyes, Who does he think he is fooling?" Kao asked looking straight at Pete

Pete looked away as if he is not the subject of that conversation.

Feeling uncomfortable with the awkwardness P'Ram sat up straight... " Should we go grab something to eat?"

" Ya, We want to treat you for winning the award, You worked really hard for it after all" P'Mish added

"Mish why are you trying to be a human now, You know it was a piece of cake for us " Pete scoffed

" Still, you won the award and we wanna celebrate, Let's go" P'Mish urged holding Pete's hand

" No, I am not hungry" Pete refused... " Let's head home" He looked at Kao, hinting

"How are you not hungry even after not eating for a week?" P'Ram growled... " You are not going home unless you eat everything I order for you guys tonight" Declaring, P'Ram headed to parking and P'Mish held Pete and Kao's hands each side and dragged them with her

" P' I am tired, I just wanna go home and rest" Pete complained on the way to the restaurant

"Shut up Pete, just because we are going according to you doesn't mean you always get your way" P'Ram sounded angry for the first time since Kao knew him... " You are not being rational and it's time to stop your shenanigans, How long are you planning to behave like this? You know Kao is not even at fault"

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