6.Whatever it is

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"Life is too short, to not take chances"


Green, Drew and I, have reached the farm house  which is basically two big dorms, one for guys and one for girls. The other's are yet to reach and being the first ones to arrive we got the chance to choose our beds. The bunker beds are big and comfortable. I kept my bag on the top bed and settled on the bottom to lay down by the window that has view of the sea.

Drew came and started pulling my bag down, i rolled on to my back and glared at him, "what do you think you are doing?" I asked with a straight face.

"Claiming the bed before everyone arrives, obviously, what else does it look like" he answered standing over me with his hands on hips.

"Then you must hurry up and choose one" i said sitting up straight at the end of the bed.

"I will take the bottom one then" he said placing his bag on my bed.

I stood up and wrapped my hand over his shoulder and said "Drew, listen carefully, these two beds are mine go fight with someone else" with that i pushed him away.

"Oyy Pete just because you are the captain, you can't have both the beds" he shouted from where he is standing with a angry face.

Now it was Green who wrapped his hand on his shoulders and said "Leave him alone Drew, he is obviously saving it for Kao, let him be, come, you can crash with me" saying that Green dragged Drew towards his bunk bed and Drew followed him reluctantly

I went back to dwell on my own thoughts, i didn't think or plan to do it, but like it was what i normally do i chose Kao's bed with mine. What if he doesn't like the bed. What if he chose to not accept my choice. Why didn't i think of this before defending on his behalf. And what was that i did on the bus, what was i even thinking. What must he be thinking about me. It's true that i like spending time with him even if it's just sitting beside him in the library and waiting. I have never done these things for anyone before, does this mean i am falling for him. Or is it just my curiosity to know him. I was never the one without clarity and these thoughts doesn't seem to be going in any direction that can lead me to clarity. I will just find something to do to distract myself, most probably all of these may just mean nothing, may be i am just overthinking. I sighed heavily as i heard a lot of foot steps coming towards the dorm.
I immediately sat up facing the entrance, the light breeze from the beach is calming however i found my heart racing as the seconds passed and footsteps got louder.

Kao was the one who entered first, did i tell you that though he isn't an athlete or a sports man, he has a firm body and well grown muscles, my guess is he works out quite often. The fact that he could reach here before anyone else did also proves that those muscles are not just show off.

As soon as he entered in to the room he started looking around and his eyes landed on me or rather the window beside me, or the sea that is visible through that window i am not sure, and then his eyes met mine. I just blinked an yes to his unasked question and i saw a small smile spreading on his face, it was more evident from his eyes than his lips.

He dragged his luggage along with him, i just observed him effortlessly lifting the heavy suitcase on to the top bed and climbing up with out using the provided ladder. Though these things are common for a guy our age to do, his face is deceiving. People seeing him for the first time would think that he must be too delicate to even walk on his feet. So it was really a treat to watch him do stuff like that and surprising everyone. But am i also surprised, nope, i am not the kind who would be deceived by looks and ofcourse i have felt his hard muscles more than once. So, i just shook my head to myself and got up to change into some more warm clothes.

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