36. Something Wrong

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"Love is such a strange and strong thing............."


We reached Ant and Blue's condo  only to find their door wide open.

I frowned and looked at Pete... "Are we at the right place?"

"Ya, They must have forgotten to lock the door..." Pete assured and entered in and I followed him.

There was no one in the living room, we went to search all the rooms as my suspicions kept growing, and we found no one every were.

"Ant..." I shouted into the wall and didn't get any answer 

"Shhh..." Pete signed me to keep quite and perked his ears. I did the same. We could hear someone breathing in the kitchen, we followed the sound only to find a lot of stuff spread on the floor and finally we found Ant folded into himself and his head burried between his knees.

I rushed to him..."Ant..  what happened...??"

Ant looked up, his eyes were swelled and his face was wet. He held me tight and I shook with him as he cried in my arms.

"Something is wrong..." I murmured to Pete who was still standing at the entrance equally confused.

He sighed heavily and bent to collect all the things that were spread on the floor into the bag. He then stood up and said placing the shopping bag on the counter..."Let me call Blue..."

"Noo..." Ant screamed at Pete.

"Why not...?" I frowned at Ant.

"Kao.. Kao..." his sniffles are making it hard for him to talk..." He, he is cheating on me..." saying that Ant started crying louder.

"What!" Pete exclaimed with a smile..."No way Ant, Don't tell me you are in this state because you thought Blue was cheating on you..."

Ant looked at Pete angrily..."He is... I just caught him red handed, he was with a woman...." Ant argued.

"It must be a misunderstanding Ant, You should have atleast confronted Blue before believing it and cry like that...." Pete said a bit irritated.

"I know what I saw... " Ant growled with his crying voice. 

Just then we heard the main door clicking open. Ant's eyes went wide. He stood up leaving me on the ground, he turned serious as he wiped tears off of his face.... "I will take care of this, Please act like you know nothing..." He coldly instructed and pulled the cutting board to act like he was cooking. 

I stood up and looked at Pete. Pete shrugged and went to greet Blue. 

"Pete, Why didn't you tell me you were coming over...." I could here Blue beam and hugging Pete. 

"I was just dropping Kao...." Pete must have pointed to the kitchen... "But who is this...." I am not sure who Pete was asking about.

"This!?" Blue exclaimed... "I will tell you, come, But where is Ant...." 

"Ant!" Blue sounded much nearer when he called for Ant... "Look, Look who came to visit you...." 

Ant didn't respond and continued to cut the carrots. Blue entered the kitchen, followed by a girl who was beautiful and groomed. 

"Look!" Blue cheered again, and held Ant's face turning his face towards the guest. 

Pete stood at the kitchen entrance leaning against it as if he was saying I told you

Ant looked at the guest and turned blue, as if he saw a ghost. But the girl leaped on to him.... "P'Ant, Finally, I am soo happy to finally be able to see you in person, I can't wait to taste your dumplings now..." she beamed. 

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