45. I am going Crazy

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".....But you have not even the slightest idea how good that feels...."

A/N:  Introducing two new Characters. 

Pamer - Kao's distant cousin. 

Isher - Kao's semi rich and only uncle who had settled in Bangkok and Pamer's father


I looked up from my system only to see Kao leaning on my cabin's door, He raised his eyes showing me the clock. I quickly checked the time and it was already 6:00 PM.

I immediately closed my system...." I lost track of time babe... " I smiled and headed out with him.

It's been more than six months since Mish's anniversary and Kao has been good, we have been leaving office on time and our work life balance has been perfect. It feels like it couldn't get any better, Even our business has been booming.

It was raining this morning so we drove the car to office instead of riding the bike.

"Wanna drive?" Kao threw me the keys once we reached the parking lot. I frowned at him, Because it's not usual for him to willingly let me drive unless I demand for it, be it car or the bike.

"I just am tired, Had continuous meetings today" Kao said taking the shot gun

My frown deepened, Kao never gets tired of work. I started contemplating... " Is it because of THE meeting?"

Kao sighed

"You know you don't have to put up with it alone babe, Please let me help you next time....I know you are the PR head but it's not necessary to do it all on your own" I reiterated driving into the traffic

"Are you not angry at me, after all I am the one who brought Pamer in..." He asked sounding disappointed in himself

"Why would I be angry? I know you are putting up with Pamer because of Uncle Isher.... I understand and respect him for supporting you and P'Sib when you came to study in Bangkok, But... Kao, are you sure he would want you to pay back this way...?" I questioned

Kao gave me a weak smile.... "Pamer is sure tiring but I can do this much...."

I sighed.... "For the records I still hate the fact that he is exploiting you, us..."

Kao suddenly leaned in and pecked my cheeks... "Thank you for still putting up with it...."

I rolled my eyes at him and he burst out laughing.

"Is it really funny, he failed us twice already, if we give him one more contract our reputation as a business will be up in flames...." I expressed my concerns

"I have learned my lesson. It was surely not easy to clean up after him, Either way, you don't have anything to worry about, If anything, he will be only getting proxy contracts from now on..." He replied

"You mean you still won't let me help..." I whined

"I mean I will never let us be in a situation like that again... Having to convince a client who lost trust in us is not a comfortable position to be in.. I never want to be in that uncomfortable position ever again and I certainly won't let you be in it either..." He said determined

I smiled... " Okay, Let's forget it , we are off work and it's us time now... what do you feel like eating?"

His face lit up at the thought of food... "Anything, Whatever you are in the mood to cook"

" And what if i am not in the mood to cook at all?" I raised an eyebrow

His lips pouted... " Do you want me to cook?"

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