42. Ice Cubes

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"It's Hotter than it is cold..."


I was sipping my saturday evening coffee enjoying the view from our balcony. Having time to myself became a luxury since I started working. It was getting chilly as the night is falling and the hot coffee felt like the only thing that i should be having right now. I smiled at myself for no reason, I then remembered Pete, When was the last time that he would have done something simple and human like this. Sadness settled over me thinking about him. I was still in the hanging chair thinking and sipping my coffee when I heard our front door open and close. Pete is early today.

"Kao, Kao, I am home" He was shouting for me. It has become a habit since we moved in the new house couple of months back, and he shouts like that everytime he wouldn't see me as soon as he gets home. He has been out meeting a lot of investors these days, who knew starting business is such a hassle. He has become soo busy and tired that he wouldn't even think of sex these days. I slowly walked into the living room to see Pete sprawled across the couch. He doesn't do that normally, he takes a bath and freshen up before relaxing.

"Is something wrong Pete?" I asked as i should.

"Hmmm... I don't know, I am just really annoyed at everything today, Can you make me some coffee, Please Kao na na na...." He was requesting soo badly to something I haven't even said no to yet. I waked to him and pecked his lips to stop him from whining. 

I then smiled at him "Anything for you my love..." He smiled back and I walked into the kitchen to make him the coffee like he would like it. 

I handed him the steaming cup and sat beside him just to appreciate him enjoying the coffee. He was half way down the cup when he asked "What's wrong?, Is something on my face?" his eyebrows knitted with confusion.

"Yes!" I said almost whispering.

"What!?" He tried to wipe his face with his hands.

"You want it gone?" I asked still maintaining  the low voice.

"Yes, what is it?" He asked me annoyed.

"It's something that can be wiped only with my hands" I answered turning completely towards him for a better view.

"What, Why? What is it?" He asked again a bit irritated now.

"I believe people call it tiredness" He stopped wiping at his face and sighed with a smile. And god, why does he smile like the god of smiles. 

I was still looking at him mesmerized,  I can do it forever, I feel like a fool for thinking that the scenery out there from the balcony was beautiful, if it was beautiful what should the sight i am seeing has to be described as. I am at lack of words. 

"You are flirting with me? Kao, Damn... You are seriously cute" He said smiling wider and shaking his head.

I was looking at him following his every move like I am tied to his visuals, like if I stop, i might go blind.  If I am cute, he is the ambassador for hotness.

"Pete..." I don't know why my voice was hoarse. 

"Umm..." He asked throwing his head up.

"I want to erase that tiredness, Can I?" I was not sure if I am speaking out loud or in myself.

Pete looked at me like he was seeing me for the first time "Kao, Are you okay?" He asked shaking my arms slightly.

"Just tell me Pete, Can I?" I asked again. Though i am talking in my mind he can definitely here me.  Why wouldn't he, Isn't he the one who has filled my whole insides.

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