39. Kao's Pete's

307 17 4

" I am more yours than you are mine, I am more yours than I am mine..."


Its been two weeks since i stupidly tied myself up in the name of surprising Pete. Thanks to Pete I recovered fast, though the bruises are still visible they doesn't hurt. But the more important piece of information is that it's my birthday and all Pete did is wish a Happy Birthday over breakfast today. The surprise for the day was that there was no surprise. I do feel a little bad, I guess Pete has been habituating me to expect surprises and he succeeded.

I wrapped my work at office and headed home. Ooo and Did I mention that Puy gifted me a sports bike as a gift when I got the job last month. Obviously I was skeptical about accepting it but then Pete checked Winter Blanket's ledger and confirmed that they are doing so well that they can open a new branch even after distributing the profits to the partners. And I accepted the bike only after Puy agreed to let me help with the marketing strategies of their new branch.

I bid goodbye to my collogues as I turned to the parking lot And.... I stopped in my tracks. How wrong was I to think that I am not getting a surprise. I would say its the biggest surprise ever. Because for me nothing can be a bigger surprise than Pete. I have no words to describe how handsome he looked leaning on my bike like that.

I ran and jumped at him.... " I missed you...."

" I missed you more..." he immediately hugged me back.... " why must you have to work on your birthday...?" He pecked my cheeks.

" what else would I do? " I shrugged.... " Why are you here by the way? Are we going out for dinner?"

" Well... You will know soon...." He smiled the mischievous smile.. " But for that you will have to close your eyes first..."

" Here?" I couldn't hide my excitement

He nodded. I immediately closed my eyes with out any more questions

I felt a cloth wrap around my head securing my closed eyes. I chuckled. Then I felt my head being covered with helmet.

" what ? Are you going to drive?" I asked surprised

" Yes! You just have to sit tight..." He beamed.

"But... I thought.... You didn't drive my bike even once till now... " I pointed out

" that's because you never asked me to, I figured once you get bored of it you will ask me to ride, but I guess you love bikes way too much to get over them any time soon, So I just let you drive..." He revealed. I sighed.

He pushed his hand into my pants pocket to fish for the bike keys despite my two hands being completely free but I didn't mind, he just found the keys and guided me on to the back of the bike.

"Is it far? " I asked once we were on the road, My hands tightly locked around him.

" No, We will be there in a few minutes..." He assured.

" So what is it this time? Did you rent out a restaurant or something?" I guessed

" Not even close...Try again..." He dismissed

" A picnic under the starry sky?" I guessed again

" Nope..."

" fireworks!?"

" Nah!"

" Don't tell me that its a surprise party with family and Friends...!!"

" Not at all...."

"Then Are you going to tie me up yourself this time...?" I husked

I heard him clear his throat.... "You are becoming hornier since you started working...."

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