11.The weird sister

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"My sister is weird, i don't think she and every can be in one sentence..."


The kiss was soft, kind, mesmerising and sweet. It made me turn and settle comfortably beside him as my hands racked into his hair. It felt too good that the reaction of my hands in his hair must be soothing. I am not aware of anything except his wet beautiful lips on mine. We kissed just like that the whole evening waiting for content. None of us were ready to let go, it was soo slow that i felt drunk and wanted to remain drunk.

Finally Pete was pulling back smoothly, I couldn't let him and involuntarily pulled him into me with same smoothness.
We continued the kissing for a few more minutes until Pete tried to pull back again "Kao.." i kept drawing him back... " Yo... " Kissing
"Your.... " Kissing..
"Your phone...." Kissing...
"Yourphoneisringingkao" kissing.
"HEY...." He pulled away and held my chest from moving forward with just enough force.

"Your phone is ringing continuously, take it, might be something urgent" He pointed out. I looked at him with cloudy eyes as i jumped on to him and continued the kiss. Simultaneously trying to reach my phone on the stand. Once i could get the grip, i briefly turned to see the caller id and got back to Pete.
It took a few seconds for my brain to process who it was with all the haziness, once it hit me i unknowingly slipped off Pete and checked the caller ID to confirm. Pete just eyed me curiously as i took the call.

"Hellohh" my voice was hoarse. So i tried again unkhhh..unkhh... "Hello.."

Pete stifled a laugh. "Hey, finally, where have you been? Why are you not picking the phone?" As expected, too many questions.

"I was taking a bath, tell me what is it?" I lied easily.

"What do you mean what is it? Can't i call my little brother to check on him?" She never answers with an answer.

"Okay then, have a good night" I replied not bothering any more.

"Ummm.... Always acting like all busy, fine, go do whatever you want to do" sisters never say what they mean and you definitely can't read them.

"Okay bye" i meant her to cut the call... Coz if i do there would be a world war.

"Hmmm... Bye" i had to wait a complete two minutes after she said that, like a regret, for her to actually disconnect the call.

I looked around and found Pete sitting by the edge of the bed with his trousers on. My brows forrowed for a moment and relaxed when his palm slightly landed on my cheek, his thumb rubbing lightly against my sweaty skin.
"I am sorry" Pete said apologetically, is he regretting?
He must have seen the confusion in my face. "I don't know what happens to me when you are around, i get carried away and behave like a moron, i am really sorry, it was the Sun's fault you know, who told him to shine on your angelic skin and make me go wild" his voice slowly turned louder and frustrated.
I laughed out loud and held his hand to kiss it.
"Don't apologize Pete, I am actually surprised that you could stop" i smiled at him. He was just staring down at me with a blank expression.
"I know you are on heat, I could even smell your pheromones and i have to tell you that the smell is pretty intriguing" I stated shrugging

"Ya but I normally control myself well" He murmured.

 "You really can't see that i have prepared myself? Do you see a shred of hair on my body?"  I said feeling all bold.
He sweeped his eyes down my body and i pulled the blanket onto me feeling shy all of a sudden.
Pete sighed at my actions.
"So you wanted this to happen?" He asked rising his brows.
"Well ...i am gay and you are the hottest guy in the premises what do you think?" I asked teasingly.
He glared at me.
"Let's just say, i had a feeling, i was definitely not prepared mentally but i also knew i wouldn't have will to deny you, And the point here is you have nothing to apologise, i enjoyed it as much as you did, more than that may be... And i would do it all over again and not regret, infact, wait...we didn't even do much." I looked at Pete hungrily. 

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