32. Stop Pete! If you do.

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' .....Our brain is a pretty complicated thing, but you know what is more complicated?  Our love....'


The lunch was as romantic as it could get. I loved all the dishes. Ofcourse I had to, they were made with love.

I actually get surprised everytime Kao cooks for me, His cooking has improved a lot recently. When i asked what is the secret and if he was attending some cooking classes with out me knowing,

he shook his head "I guess as I am constantly thinking of impressing you these days, I end up paying attention to every single detail in the recipe and the result is amusing. Even to me" He smiled to himself.

I smiled too not knowing that i am, that is how much i am into him.

He doesn't know how much though, I never told him, blame my insecurities, but all he has to do is open his mouth and ask me and i can fight with a killer whale for him.

I am not a expressive person, if he thinks i am romantic even then. It means he will get scared of intensity of my love if I start telling and doing everything I feel like doing for him.

This is new to me. This feeling, this overwhelming urge to be with someone all the time and how my chest feels stuck with all the feelings when he does something like this.

"Pete, did you try the curry yet, i think its a bit bland"

He said tasting a bit of curry with his spoon again, I quickly caught his hand and pushed it towards my lips to taste it, while surprised Kao couldn't control the spoon and smeared the curry all over my face.

I chuckled. I recently found that Kao is also pretty jumpy person like I am not enough. I wonder how even after pivibg together for almost a year, we still have things we are discovering about each other.

His left hand reacted with impulse to wipe my face and I quickly caught it to stop him.

I mean its better to do it with tongue than with hand is what I thought.
I looked up into his eyes to notice a quick uncomfortable feeling pass by them, whatever it is I am sure i can make it go in a second.

I pulled the hand I am holding to make him stand and reach my face, he certainly did the same as if on cue and when our noses are just an inch apart... He raised his eyes inquisiting...
"You can wipe it now" i said... Feeling my chest constrict again from the depth in his eyes...

I just closed my eyes not able to keep them open any more....
He smiled.... I could sense his smile... By my lips....
I am growing impatient with anticipation... I already gave him the hint didn't i... What is he waiting for....
After almost 30 seconds... I felt his lips on my jaw, licking off the curry... And i cant say i am surprised when he next moved to my lips and i tasted the curry on the tip of his tongue....

"Huuummmm.... Its delicious" I said feeling ecstatic... Yes... Even after these months of living together i still feel his touch, his lips, his bedroom skills can never seize to amaze me.... May be because i never expected that I would experience something this beautiful...

He deepened the kiss as if to not let me talk.. i just obliged and let him... He is teasing me again... Not going deep enough letting his tongue just hover at the entrace... Damn it.. am i ever gonna win over him...

I just pushed my self into him
Forcing my tongue into his throat leaving no room for his except in mine....

He pushed in immediately and we were literally kissing over our lunch as if we are each other's lunch... I could taste blood not sure whose... That's not stopping us though... His right hand wrapped around my neck to make a comfortable position and i tightened my grip on his wrist which made him whince.

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