1. The first night

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"The most common things, when done with our special one becomes our most soothing memories"


Pete and Me, both are freshmen from the facility of Business administration. Both of us are famous in the uni, Pete for his passion in football and me for Statistics. I know, its ironic.
If you open the freshman group page and scroll, all you would see is Pete and me, one after another.. During normal days, its Pete, sweating in practice or beating opponents to dust in matches.
During exam times its me, studying silently in the library or teaching someone something.
We both are good looking, One in hot kind of way and the other in cute kind of way.
Every girl in the faculty has crush on him or me or even on both of us. Well, why not, afterall we both are best in what we do.

It's already end of the semester exams season and Pete is a typical student. (Typical student= Who thinks the exam night is the only time for study 😋).

It's 1 AM in the night, when my phone rang... Tring...tring,tring...
I tried to ignore it as I rolled on the bed, but as soon as I realised that its exam night.
I had to open my eyes and check the glowing screen, call from a unknown number.
"Hey Kao,This is Pete"
"Which topic do you need help with?, Pete" I asked still half asleep. It's the first time we were officially talking. And we obviously didn't need introductions, everyone knows us.
"I am already on the second floor actually. What's your room number again?"
Hmmm, It's not a topic, it's a chapter, guess i am not getting any sleep tonight.
Tuuy...tuuuy...tuuy...The call was cut Knock...Knock...Knock.... and there is knocking on the door.
As soon as I opened the door, Pete barged in.
Sat himself at my study table and opened his books.
I dragged another chair towards the table shaking my head at Pete's audocity.
"So, which chapter is it that you want help with?"
I didn't have to study anymore,i have already taught the whole text book sooo many times now, I can even guess which topic is in which page.
Pete's voice sounded apologetic when he spoke "Actually.... I just opened the books and its tooo much, I couldn't understand a single word"
"What?" I asked more shocked than surprised.
Pete replied " I thought it would be just another subject, i didn't expect it to be this difficult, I give you my word from the next time i will definitely check the difficulty level before procastenating. Please just help me this one time na Kao"
Pete said like i am his closest bro and i have to accept that he looked like he is under a lot of stress. Why didn't he study then? Stupid Pete.
"Pete, I would if i can. But as you said these are all really difficult chapters and one should atleast practice them three times to even memorize them. And on top of that, problem solving needs a lot of practice" I said helpless but firm.
Pete still replied with confidence "I get it. We don't have to go through the whole textbook, i just wanna pass and get through this semester at this point. I am a fast grasper. Just explain me basics and important topics and I will take it from there"
I couldn't sound that helpless anymore "I am not sure it works that way Pete"
Pete replied dominantly not willing to take no for an answer " I just don't have any choice but to try right now Kao. Just help me out here. I know its exam night and you would love to get some sleep but i will make it up to you. I will buy you lunch after the exam. You can pick the place."
"You really don't need to do that Pete, just don't hold a grudge on me if you don't do well in the exam Okhay?" I don't want enemies, especially not Pete.
"Does that mean you are gonna teach me now?"
"Ya, here" I passed him my notes.
"Studying from textbook this close to exam is a bad idea, let's use my notes and let's start with basics"
I effortlessly started walking Pete through my notes. All the experience I gained teaching our every other classmate helped me do it in the best possible way by now. I tried to make everything as simple and plain as possible for Pete to grasp.
After one and half an hour... Pete's eyes are focused on my writting and I was feeling very thirsty.
I explained as I grabbed the water from my bed side "So that covers all the basics and some really important concepts, i also marked the topics, which are a little less important just in case, and i suggest you look at them tooo as you can never be toooo careful with Statistics"
Pete who is still crouched on the notes just nodded.
"You should practice those examples, I will get some sleep now"
Saying so I stood up looking at the clock. Its almost 3AM, I thought I can still sleep for three more hours.
It took two whole minutes for Pete to notice me, as i am still standing beside him while he was reaching out for water. His stress is making him hold the pen on his left hand so tight that there are markings on his index finger and thumb already. He looked up at me.
"Weren't you going to sleep?"
"Weren't you going to leave?" I sounded cold, or atleast tried.
"Naaaa... Its a waste of time walking back to my room now, plus i need your notes to study."
Pete replied ignoring the coldness in my voice and got back to his regression. Can he be anymore heavy headed
I just shook my head and walked back to bed and snuggled myself with the blanket but not before saying "Don't make any sounds then, I can't afford to get disturbed any more"
Pete didn't seem to hear those words as he is still crouched down on the table scribbling something.


Its almost time for
Sun rise when I felt saturated and put down my pen to stretch myself. How much more stupid can i get? Why did I have to procastenate everything?
That's when I looked around the room, it's adequately furnished with a few inspiring quotes on the walls and a photo of Kao with his family on the wall behind the study table.
That is when my eye was caught by the Kettle and coffee beans arranged neatly on the spare table.

I was craving coffee badly for sometime now, as it would really help lift the heaviness on my eyes but I didn't have the time to walk to cafe and get it, so I kept working. Now that I saw there is milk as well, I decided to make a capaccino for myself.


I woke up to the smell of coffee and a smile spread on my face. I opened my eyes to see Pete still crouched on the study table and I glanced at the clock on my bed side that showed 2 minutes to Six. My alarm is gonna go off in a minute, so I immediately turned it off not to disturb Pete. When I got up and sat on the bed, the first thing I saw is the empty tetrapack thrown down on the table beside my Kettle. Anger rushed onto my nose,
I realised the smell of coffee was not my imagination and I almost shouted
"Hey Pete, what the hell, I have to go to give the exam with an empty stomach now"
"Good morning to you tooo Kao. Did you sleep well? If not help yourself for some coffee, its still hot and it would also help calm your nerves" Pete sounded really calm.
And my anger went back as soon as it came, I can't do anything about it anyway, might as well enjoy the coffee as it is the only option I have left right now, and it's not even a bad option.
I got off the bed and filled my cup with coffee, then turned back only to catch a full image of Pete. Coffee cup in his right hand, revolving pen in the left, eyes focused and feet tapping. That made me smile to myself. I etched the image in my mind unconsciously.
"So, how is it going?"
I asked pulling both of my legs on to a comfortable position on my bed, coffee in hand.
"Let's just say, i will still need some luck to get through the day" Pete's reply was followed by some more scribbling.
I nodded as I understood what Pete said, knowing full well Pete can't really see me and decided to enjoy the coffee, leaving Pete to his Statistics.
The coffee was just like how I would want mine, I guess Pete can really make his coffee.

Wondering why there are no fluttering hearts and flushed faces yet dears.....😁😁😁

The story is inspired from #Darkbluekissep9. I am really excited about the story line. I have this chapter in my edits from last ten months as i was determined to post this only on Tay's birthday. And so here i am, Please let me know what you think of the chapter.

And if you are following my other story as well then you would know i have been pretty busy and my updates are gonna be a bit slow. Hope you all can bear with me.

P.S: Don't forget to wish our dearest Tawan, a very happy birthday...💙😋
And happy 2nd anniversary polcas....💙💕

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