14. Clarity!?

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"well... That would be because we are dating...."


It was a great morning because I woke up to Pete's good morning message. I knew we won't be going to college together as the message was sent atleast 3 hours before I woke up and he must be sweating under the Sun for these hours already. So I texted a good morning back and told him I will be having breakfast at the cafeteria if he wants to join. But Ofcourse he didn't even read the message until after the first class.
The fresh view of Pete walking in laughing with his friends hit my mind in slow motion and I blushed. When he sent a wink at me before settling in the back bench, It felt like I have fallen into heaven and hurt my head. It was hard to concentrate after that, So I sat there reminiscing. Though it has been just a few weeks, I seem to have forgotten how my life was before he came, boring and usual. Pete has been a new surprise everyday. The dream I couldn't even dare to dream of is becoming true and I feel like I would wake up anytime soon from this day dream. But it didn't happen, everytime I try to look at Pete, I could here my heart beat, guess it would take time to get used to the fact that I could also get lucky. I am not able to get Pete out of my mind, no matter where he is. I wonder too why I have fallen for him so hard, last night when he asked why, I didn't have any logical answer, the only answer I had was how I am feeling. I kept thinking I might just mess everything up by scaring Pete away with my overwhelming feelings, but then he is the one who asked me to move in with him, isn't it?

"Are you pranking me...?" Greens voice brought me back to my lunch as three of them, Green, Drew and Pete joined me at the table. I just smiled up at them.

"Why, what happened?" Drew asked, guess he is also as clueless as I was.

"Kao, can you check Pete, if he has a high temperature, I am afraid he is sick" Green called for me as Pete was sitting beside me.

I frowned and looked at Pete, he looks as handsome as ever, how can he be sick. I was still contemplating whether I should listen to Green, but Pete assured... "I am perfectly fine, you need to stop exaggerating" he warned Green pointing a finger at him.

"You need to first tell me what happened" Drew nagged at Green.

"Okay.. for starters, do you know what was the first thing Pete asked me today? " Green paused for the dramatic effect I guess, but We just glared at him.

"He asked me what movie is playing at the central..." he exclaimed and that made Drew widen his eyes at Pete almost till an extent that I got scared his eyeballs would pop.

"And then in the class he nudged me to ask if 7/11 sells cutlary..." Green said again and Drew couldn't believe it anymore... "No way..." he exclaimed...

"Then just now he asked, if we are free this Sunday..." Green concluded, and Drew stood up to reach Pete and check his temperature. I burst out laughing from Drew's expression. Pete just sat there shaking his head.

"So tell us what has gotten into you... don't say it's nothing, because you hate movies, you spend Sunday's on the ground and you don't have time to cook?" Green asked again.

"I wasn't going to..." Pete looked up from his food... "I wasn't going to say it's nothing. "

Green and Drew leaned forward with anticipating eyes and Pete looked at me... So I blurted... "Well... that would be because we are dating... " I said looking down at my food... but when there was only silence , I looked up to see Green and Drew gaping at me, while Pete was smiling at their expressions.

"And moving in together..." Pete added... "This Sunday, So are you free, to come, for a house warming Party?"

And ofcourse the questions followed... " From when? " Green turned to Pete...

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