34. The Night Sky

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".... It's just the darkness marked with light glitters here and there, But there is nothing beautiful than this...."


It's the summer, third summer since I got to college and Second summer since Tay and I became official. I haven't visited my parents from the past two years even during holidays since Pete has been too clingy and couldn't let me go away from him. But this time since I knew If I Don't go home, my parents might just fly to the city and tear down our place, So I fought and cried with my unreasonable boyfriend to let me go. But when it didn't work I had to involve Puy. 

"Puy, Look at your favourite brother, He is not letting me go home even this time...." I whined as I dragged him to the Winter blanket on a Saturday morning after his practice ofcourse. 

"Hmm..." Puy sighed... "I can't believe I once thought you two were a good thing, All you do these days is fight on silly things and make me your collateral damage..."

"P'" "Puy..." We both exclaimed together. 

"Fine..." She turned to Pete... "Pete, It's not fair, Our parents hasn't seen Kao in two years, he is their son first, remember..." She tried. 

"But P', What am I supposed to do if he is not around... I will be all depressed and weak..." Pete whined too hugging one of her hand.  He is such a drama queen when he wants to, especially with our sisters. 

"Arghhh... Now I know that I should have wished for you to love him a little less..." She looked at me hopeless and I pouted. 

"Sib, Is there no way we can send them together...?" P'Mish who just joined the conversation suggested... "I am already tired of hearing this conversation over and over again..."

Puy turned and faced Pete seriously.... "Pete, You only have two options, Go with Kao to visit our parents and miss practice, Or have your practice sessions everyday and let Kao go enjoy some family time..."

I looked at him eagerly wishing he would choose me, forgetting the actual problem at hand... 

"It's okay, Since the summer is getting hotter we cancelled the practice for the next two weeks..." He shrugged. 

"Are you serious?" I stood up both disappointed and surprised. 

"Uuu... What are you worked up about?" He asked nonchalantly making me scowl and sit back down. 

 "Huff..." Both P'Mish and Puy sighed... "Okay It's settled then..."

I leaned on to the table towards Puy... "What is settled? Pete can't come with me, Our parents doesn't know about us, remember...."

"They don't have to..." Puy shrugged... "They run a lodging house by the sea, remember..."

"You mean Pete would just be a guest?" I frowned. 

"Hmmm... If you don't want to come out yet , that's the only choice for now...." Puy explained... "We literally live there anyway.... So you won't be apart..."

"What! You still mean we will sleep in separate rooms, Don't you?" Pete exclaimed. 

We all rolled our eyes at him. But he still didn't stop whining... "No no no , I don't agree to this..."

"You don't have a choice, idiot..." P'Mish slapped the back of his head.... "Kao just wants to visit his parents and it became such a big problem just because of your irrationality..."

Pete only gave her a ugly look and thankfully didn't argue anymore.

"Good, then it's settled, I will let Mom know that one of my friend is visiting and would be staying at our lodge..." Puy insisted... "So, they don't have to doubt you two right away...."

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