31. The Burn and The Sun

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"......Pain is never physical..."


I wanted to cook for Pete today. Its not a big deal as i do this often, but it is today, because its our 6 months anniversary and I am cooking all Pete's favorites. And guess what, he wasn't in bed as usual when I woke up.

I wished him in the most romantic way I know last night and told him to be home for lunch, well... Thank god its a Saturday, otherwise I wouldn't even have dared to ask him to come home during the day fearing no for his answer.  

To my surprise Pete came home straight after his practice and we even had a late breakfast together, he brought breakfast knowing full well I would have skipped it. That is me and him.
We know each other to a good extent by now. 

I told him to freshen up and wait till I get our lunch ready. All the dishes I have chosen are pretty difficult and would take hours to cook. Pete is respecting my words like he normally does, except for one thing ofcourse. And I am glad he is enjoying his favourite TV show leaving me to cook and not bickering with me about something random as I am able to concentrate on task at hand.  I want to deliver my best today.

I am almost done with everything, just a 5 more minutes of stirring the soup and serving left.

The sound came out of my mouth before I could stop as the boiling soup suddenly spilled on to my wrist with my careless stirring.
Damn, that stings a lot... I am shaking my hand vigorously hoping it would subside the pain when Pete barged in...
"Babe! What's wrong?"

I looked at the Kitchen entrance, there he was standing with those concerned eyes and it made me forget my pain completely.

I made a irritating face trying to cover up "Tsk, I told you not to move from the couch until I ask you to, go back.... Now!"

But babe, are you alright, hurt anywhere?"

"Nope, what's with the sudden question?" I said getting back to my stirring.

If I am going to cover up, I have to do it till the brim, after all its Pete we are taking about.
"Then, what was that sound I heard, you were whimpering?"

"Hmm...that..I just tasted the soup and it was too salty... I need to fix it now" His face immediately relaxed

"Why! That's it... You just have to add some more water and...."

"I know Pete, Now will you please leave me alone"  I cut him off....

"Sure, You know I like everything you cook... So don't over do it... I am already hungry" he said walking back

That, and my hands started moving faster, the burn still stung.. but nothing I couldn't take.

I finished the soup and set up the table in the next 10 minutes. As I was turning the plates, I saw the significant black mark on my wrist...

Okay.. now.. how dumb could I be... Why didn't I apply something immediately.. its gonna leave a mark for sometime now it and still hurt...sooo much for hiding.... I shook my head to myself... May be I will just have to keep it a secret till it fades a bit... Good thing its my left hand.

I took a last look at the table and hoped Pete would like the dishes.. he himself is a really good cook.. Infact he cooks for me whenever he finds time...so its not easy to impress him for starters. I sighed. 

That is when an idea hit me. I pulled all the curtains closed and got all the candles out from the shelf , minorly to make it a bit romantic and majorly because I want Pete to see me as less as possible today. Once I am satisfied with my arrangements, I went to living room to fetch Pete.
I found him lying on the couch, cross legged scrolling his phone. 

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