27. 🏳️‍🌈 Christmas gift

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I was sitting on my couch, looking at the tv, but in reality I was thinking about something else. I thought about how much I wanted a girlfriend to cuddle, spoil, love and care for. Just when I went to turn off the tv, not even knowing why it was on in first place, someone knocked on my door.

I silenced the tv, still for some reason not turning it off, and went to open the door. I didn't know what I expected, but definitely not this - something that was going to change the rest of my life.

I opened the door and there stood the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. For a second I forgot how to talk and just stared. "I'm sorry for disturbing during such time, but this seemed like the only place where someone actually is." She blushed. Her cheeks were already red from the cold, but I still could see them getting redder.

I stepped aside. "It's okay. I wasn't doing much anyway."

She looked at me weirdly. "What do you mean? Weren't you celebrating Christmas with someone?" I shook my head. "Why not? And don't tell me that you don't have anyone, because I won't believe you."

I looked away, blushing. "Well... I am all alone here. I didn't even decorate my tree this year. I didn't feel like doing it, when I don't have anyone to celebrate with." I whispered under my breath. "How can I help you?"

"Well this is quite weird to say, but I ran from my boyfriend. I told him something that didn't exactly made him happy. He tried to hit me, but I managed to escape." She looked down. She felt embarrassed. I could clearly see it. I led her to my kitchen and offered her something to eat or drink. "No, thank you, but I feel like it's enough that I'm taking away some of your free time."

I smiled at her. "If you were taking "some of my free time", I wouldn't let you in. I'm glad you came and that you trust me enough to come inside my place. Now tell me what I can make you." I looked at her with the most gentle look, I was able to pull off at the moment.

She sighed and smiled back. "Are you sure it won't bother you?" I gave her the look where it was more than obvious that it is okay to ask for a drink. "Okay then. Do you have any tea?"

"Well, I drink only tea and water, so I definitely have some tea. Any specific that you want, I have almost every tea that we can get in this area plus some from online shops." I felt a bit proud, but weird at the same time. It made me feel better when she seemed impressed.

She looked down for a moment then looked back at me. "And here I thought I was the only one who did such thing."

"Your family full of coffee drinkers too?" I asked feeling like I'm right.

She giggled. "So you understand the feeling I get when you go out with your family and the person just assumes that you want coffee and then they are shocked when you ask for tea?" I laughed and nodded. "Or the talk you get after some time about how you shouldn't drink so much tea." We laughed together.

I nodded. "And the best part is when you can't tell them that they drink more coffee than you drink your tea." She giggled again. "The only worse thing than that is listening to them saying something like "if you were straight, you could be married by now" and it's just ugh. I was not born to be in relationship with a man." I rolled eyes with sigh. "Sorry, I shouldn't have told you that. Now you probably think I'm weirdo."

"Not at all. I understand it quite well. I'm not gay, but I'm not straight either and coming out to my family caused similar conversations." She admitted. I was looking at her with my mouth a bit opened.

That was the beginning of something I never expected. I wished for a partner and she came seconds later right to my door. We talked till the morning then she fell asleep on the same chair with her head on the table. That was when I first carried her somewhere, it was to my guest bed, because the couch would do her no good. It's good for laying and watching, but not for sleep.

The last time I carried her was the day before yesterday after she fell asleep on chest watching tv. We're together for little over 5 years and I carry her to bed at least twice a week. But that is going to end soon, tomorrow we're going to be able to take our adopted 4 years old daughter Christine.

We literally just looked at her, at each other and nodded. The first time she saw us, the magic went 4 levels higher. The look in her eyes said everything, there was no further questioning. She even made some of those people agree with us staying with her little longer. But her actions showed that she was going to be my little Boo's baby, not mine. But I don't mind - they are both mine either way, because I love them more than anything.

That was one of the happiest days of my life and I wouldn't change anything about it. Even the evening was perfect. I was carrying my wife to bed after she fell asleep on top of me halfway into a movie she wanted to watch. When I put her into the bed she snuggled close to me.

I can't even describe how amazing it is to fall asleep with someone you love so close to you. It just reminds you how close your home is.


Hey guys.

I tried to finished it like 4-5 hours earlier, but I wasn't able to. What I wrote there is not from personal experience (sadly) but if I'm being honest the ending sounds like heaven to me, so I hope it will be, but I would like to have someone without asking Santa for someone 🤣

If you liked it, please give it a vote and/or let me know in the comments bellow. I will say thank you, I don't bite :) <3

Love you
- Alex
1.1. 2021 4:06am

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