24. 🏳️‍🌈 Innocent

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"Our next guest became even more known thanks to his friends. He stood by his friend even when the police said guilty and today he's here to tell us where the truth is. Please welcome Malcolm Jacks." I heard my name and walked out.

I really didn't like this man, but I promised that I will tell everyone the truth and this was the best way. My friend got very hurt and his story had to be known, both for his sake and for everyone to stop the blame.

I walked to the man, I swore to never speak again. He came to my house at night just to ask about my friend for his next day show. I was so pissed off that I nearly hit him. The only stopping thing was my friend sleeping in the other room.

I stood up next to him. He reached his hand to shake mine. "No. You don't deserve it." I whispered. "You asked for me to be here and tell everyone the truth. Well then let's begin...

I was with my friend at cafeteria. We talked about amazing idea he got. He is the smartest person I know. He wanted to know if it was possible to happen and how much it would cost. He had the best idea for a book I have ever heard. I told him that I would pay for it. After a lot of convincing he agreed.

After about an hour I drove him back home - he doesn't want to be driver. I waited for him to get inside - he always waves his final goodbye from the doorway." I smiled sadly. "Less than a minute after he waved, I heard his scream and ran to him. I found him curled up in corner of hallway shivering. He wasn't saying anything - he hasn't said a word since. I went around the place and I found his husband on the floor with knife sticking out of his chest and eyes looking right into mine.

It was terrifying. I felt like his eyes were looking through me right into my soul. That was the moment I understood why my friend was in that corner. I was scared. His husband looked like death came to say hi to everyone. My friend lost someone who was there for him since I can remember and he looked like death.

If you want the most honest opinion from me it's this: if I ever find out who did it, I will kill that person. He destroyed one life, took another and he is free. He put his blame on innocent man who had troubles sleeping for months, couldn't be left alone for years and hasn't spoken ever since that night.

Seeing my friend being charged for that murder and seeing him go through all the courts made me want to lie and tell them I am guilty. I wanted to save him from all of that, but then I realized that then there will be nobody left to take care of him. His family left him because he's gay, most of his friends ran away thinking he's crazy murderer and his husband was murdered. I am pretty much the only person he has left and all I do is to take care of him."

"So you would lie for him." The guy pointed at me with his finger.

I chuckled. "I see what you did there my friend. I said I was going to protect him. I am doing so, but I can swear on everything I have that he's not guilty just like many people thought. i just told you about his alibi. I will be completely honest with you - if his husband was still alive, he would be new J.K. Rowling. If I could be sure that his idea wouldn't be stolen, I would tell you more."

"How can anyone believe you? What makes you believe that others will believe your story." He knew that I hated when someone is questioning me, but I have already dealt with it.

I smiled at him. "Hope in humanity and I went through at least three lie detectors saying the same thing. Do you want to know what makes me hope that humanity in people will believe me?" I asked him with raised eyebrow.

He nodded with doubtful smile. "Of course."

I looked around. "Who over here knows how to connect my phone-screen with this big one? I want everyone to see the same thing as what I see every evening." Two guys ran up to us with laptop and cable. I set my phone down to let them do their magic. After a minute or two they nodded and I took my phone again. "My house has at least one camera per room, so I always know what's happening. In a minute or two there will be his time for evening meds. So you will clearly see everything in his bedroom. I said as I opened my phone."

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