19. 🔀 Bodyguard

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I was driving my clients to bar, as he wanted to. I can't stop them. I can just make sure, they're alive. I'm more like their servant, then bodyguard.

"Would you mind to relax?" small arms massaged my shoulders. She already drank some part of a bottle.

"I have to be sure, you're safe and drive you somewhere at the same time. I can't relax," I said sternly.

"Don't take it so seriously?" Tony laughed half drunkenly.

"You hired me, so I can keep you safe. As another option, there was possiblity of being there as your servant as well," I said and turned black wheel to get car on different street. "You sure, this is the right place, sir? It doesn't look very safely."

"Just keep going. I used to go here, when I was teenager," Tony said, rolling his eyes.

"Just because you were drinking here 10 years ago, doesn't mean, it's safe, sir. My parents were killed here, when I was 7. They closed me into our car and I watched some drugged guy stabbed them and I couldn't help them," I parked their car on side of the road. "I won't let that happen again," I turned to them.

"Drive us to that bar," Tony grunted at me.

"As you wish, but it won't be my fault, if something happens to you," I sighed and got going. After 250 meters, we were there.

"Stay here. I don't want to hear your annoying voice today," Tony left from the right side of the car.

"He's just drunk, don't mind him that much," Angela slurred out and left from the left side.

I sat there, listening to radio. After few hours I heard scream. I ran out of the car, through the doors of the bar. There was fight between Mr. Marx and some guy, who seemed more sober.

I walked up to them, teared them apart and punched the guy into his already weird-shaped nose. "Now you see, what I meant, sir," I turned to him. "Come here, we're going on check up," I helped him up, got him to car along with his girlfriend and sped to hospital.

"Why did you pull me out of there?" Tony shouted at me. I remained quiet, not bothering to answer his question.

"Calm down, honey. He knows, what he's doing," Angela's small hand rested on his chest. He was fuming.

"Talk to me," he screamed again.

I rolled my eyes and answered: "Your side has ripped clothes and some blood on it. I want to be sure, you're alright. I would like to keep my register clear," I said, not bothering to show, that I actually care, if he lives or dies.

"Your what?" Angela looked at me with confused face.

"As bodyguard or any kind of guard, I have register. Better register, better part of job, bigger paycheck," I explained it to her. "Not everyone has billions from their birth. Some of us has to work for those, who have."

"So all we are to you, is number?" Angela's voice was showing, how hurt she was.

"That's not that easy, Ms. Finns. There are parts of this job, that we can't explain, because of the clients themselves. We have our secrets, that nobody can ever know," I responded and dialed my doctor friend.

"Hey, Alex. I didn't hear from you for maybe a month, I thought you were cheating on me," he laughed into the phone.

"Sorry. I had no job, sweetie, but I have one for you right now. My client got stabbed or cut during bar-fight. He should be okay, but I want to be sure of it," I looked on back seat, seeing two confused faces.

"Did he hurt anyone else?" she asked hoping for some more work.

"I'm sorry, but no. I took down that guy. Drunk people can't punch anything else than themselves," he laughed into my ear.

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