3. 🎹 Past got me?

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Characters: Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi, Jeremy Michael Lewis, Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, Andy Jess


"Wait a sec, someone at the door. I'll call you back," I hung up and went over to answer the person, who was behind the door.

I opened it and there stood the only person, I thought, who didn't want to come today. "Took you somehow too long," he said harshly.

"Sorry, I was on the phone. Sometimes there are people, who remember my existence, you know."

He laughed at me. "Oh come on, who besides my wife remembers you? Avi? Scott? Esther? Sorry, I forgot, you killed them all and Kevin forgot about everything in his life." He pushed me. "I'm so glad, I didn't let Kirstie go with you, because she'd be probably dead by now too."

My eyes teared up at the image of seeing her just like I saw their lifeless bodies. "That wasn't my mistake and you know it. Just because I survived without more health issues doesn't mean, I wanted them to be gone. I was in a hospital for half a year and another four years in a madhouse, because I couldn't get their screams out of my head. I still remember it and I wish I could die instead of them, but life doesn't work like it, now does it? If you find a way to bring them back I will sacrifice my life. I will do everything in my power to bring Kirstie's smile back and give her back her best friends." I sat on the couch, trying to stop the waterfall of tears.

"That is the reason, she smiles so rarely, Mitch. She knows how much you want them back for her. She misses them and wants them back but the cost of it is too big for her. She nearly killed herself when she heard about what happened to you. That's why I hate you so much. Because you mean to Kirstie more as friends than I do as husband. If I had been there instead of anyone in that car, she'd be fine by now, but if you sat there instead of Esther, she would be dead by now, because she would want to meet you again, without caring about the cost," he punched me and I let him know I deserve it. "She loves you more than me and it's driving me crazy."

"I'm sorry," I cried more, "I didn't ask for any of this."

Then knocking came: "Mitch, you there?" my neighbor's voice rang around. Jeremy stood me up and pushed me to the door. I opened them and got my head down. "Mitch, what happened to you? Did you get another episode?" she brought me into a tight hug. I just cried to her shoulder choking on my tears from time to time. "Shhh, it's not your fault," she rubbed my back.

"I should've kept my eyes on the road but he threw a balloon in my face. I shouldn't have let him take it with us. This is all my fault." She squeezed me. "I should've known better." My knees got undermined.

"It's not your fault. You were sober and they were drunk, the only mistake, you made, was to take them with you. But if you would leave them there, they could've hurt themselves," she kissed the side of my head and massaged the back of my neck.

"All my duties were to keep them safe and I failed miserably. I'm so stupid, I should've done more," I cried to her shoulder. "I promised, that we would get home safely and the only one, who did come home was me after 5 years. I'm a horrible friend, I shouldn't even be able to know her anymore. She should've thrown me away so much sooner."

"Stop this and look at me. If you think this, you should immediately talk to her, like right now. This way you're going to commit suicide soon and she can't lose you too."

I slid down into one small ball with my head between my knees. "I can't do this anymore. I hurt the only person that always cared about me no matter what. I killed my best friends, who always did everything for me. I'm not good enough to stand by her and let her call me her friend."

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