23. 🏳️‍🌈 Fight club rivals

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Hello there, let me tell you something about my favorite and saddest time of my life until now...

At highschool we had this awesome thing - Fight club. 30 kids divided in 2 teams, but under 1 coach. We were meeting up every Friday after school for 2 hours give or take. We were training to be able to defend ourselves in case of fights and actually winning those fights.

During my growing up I was spending time with my older male cousin and we loved pretending to fight - he taught me some tricks or where it's pointless to hit. We were weird, but whatever. But thanks to that I was the best fighter in the club.

Another thing to know - I'm Aries close to Taurus. I have tendency to fight literally with my body. When I go up against someone I really don't like for some reason, I have this technique that works everytime and for some reason nobody ever tired to somehow get away from that move. I start running and moment before I hit them I turn on my side and hit them with my arm, waist and leg - whole side of my body. After such hit they fall and slide for at least 2-5 meters - depends on how fast I get.

And last thing to add: there's this one girl, who has tendency to test my boundaries to see how much I can take before I break and beat her behind.

Over few months after it became something like ritual for her to provoke, they saw that the rivalry was more real than I'd like it to be. The coach that we had decided to put the two of us in pair.

Basically what that means is: every month there's something like show where everyone gets to fight someone while parents are watching. Usually the pairs are different, but then there's me and that lovely provocative girl.

Our coach always puts us last because "the best at the end", but I don't remember any time when she wouldn't get her *** kicked before. I'd say oops, but it was not my fault - provocateurs get their ***es kicked each and every time.

And the last thing to know: my mom died before I got to attend highschool. She supported my work. She loved that I found something that helps me cooperate with my sort-of aggressiveness and solo-player thing - I used to fight kids on street because they bullied somebody. Again I'd say oops, but they deserved it.

Well let's get to the story...

It was after Christmas holidays. My second year in Fight club and it was The night. We were in two teams again. We stood in two rows 10 meters away from each other and I stood at the end again.

Some kids had their moms or dads there with them, even my rival. Her mother was there - she looked like typical rich lady from Hollywood movies. She had coat with the foxy thing, bag that looked like it cost more than the entire building we were in, etc.

During the fight of second pair Emillie walked up to me. "Ready to get beaten up?" She asked with confidence bigger than all elephants and giraffes together.

"You mean just like the last time? Or the time before? Or before? Or any other time?" I snorted not looking her way, knowing that I would punch her as soon as my sight would get even a glimpse of her.

"Exactly the other way around. You see, this week my mom has been bringing me luck so I decided to bring her with me today. What about you? Where's your mommy?" She said with voice of a child.

My eyes turned to her. "You know damn well where she is. Speak about her again and you may as well get hurt before it's your turn." I grunted and looked away.

She cover her opened mouth mockingly. "I'm sorry, she decided to leave this world so she wouldn't have to look at the failure that came out of her?" She laughed.

"Leave, last warning. Next time there will be no warning." I huffed her way.

She pushed me. "And what will you do? Push me back?" She mocked.

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