9. 🔀 Dorm

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Characters: Blue Jasckon, Lori Hunt + her mother, Martin Joseph, Clarrisa Doom


I'm usually quiet, when my roommate is here. But one evening had to be different. I was sitting on my bed, reading book for the next day, when doors flew open and I heard girl's scream.

"Let me go, Martin. I don't want to be here, I want to go back," she was crying and screaming.

"What are you doing, Martin? Why don't you let her leave?" I ran there, so I will help.

"Go away, squirt. I won her, I can do whatever I want to do with her," he laughed into my face and went to his part of the room.

"You're kidnapping her, idiot. You can go to jail, if anyone would talk," I went after him, screaming.

"What did you just call me? Idiot? Take your calculations again, dumbass. We played poker and I won her. I want to do something with her and I highly doubt, you want to see that," he smirked at me.

"Please let me go," she whispered, crying in a ball on the bed.

"Relax, it will hurt less, little one," he stroked her cheek. She whimpered.

"Looks like she doesn't want that, Martin. Go find somebody, who won't protest," he gave me thinking face. "She can hurt your beautiful face and I know, you don't want that," he loved his face so much.

"You're right, she's yours," he left us. I sat next to her, but she was too scared of me.

"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. I would never dare to do that to anyone, especially not to female," I raised my hand to her kindly. She looked at it, then at me and then back at it.

"I don't know you," she whispered with her shaking voice.

"What do you want to know?" I shrugged. "Well first of all, I'm Blue."

"Lori," she was terrified. "Why don't you do stuff like him?" she looked at doors and back at me.

"Because I'm different than him. Can I take you to my part, before he comes back?" she nodded and finally took my hand. I smiled at her and stood up.

I took her to my room and let her sit down. We talked just a little bit, before Martin was back with some drunken girl. Lori immediately curled up in tight ball.

"Hey, he probably already forgot about you," I laid my hand on her shoulder gently. "I'm here now and I'm not going to hurt you. Not now, not ever," I sat closer to her and rubbed her back.

"He is just scary and aggressive. He would rape me, if you wouldn't save me," she teared up again.

"Come here," I opened my arms for her, so I can hug her. She leaned closer, still little scared. I gave her light hug: "I won't let him go close to you, okay?" she nodded and relaxed a little.

"Why are you so nice to me?" she looked up at me.

"How do you know, I'm not nice to everyone? I have little phobia of people, but I'm still nice to them," I smiled kindly at her.

We became really good friends. We were meeting every day after school in my dorm room. We studied together, watched films together. We slowly became very close to each other, until one day. That day everything changed. Me and Lori were supposed to meet in my room after school. I hurried, because I wanted to admit, I grew some feelings for her, but...

I opened the door and everything was too silent. I went to my bed, got my things down and went to check up on Martin. I didn't knock in case, he was sleeping.

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