36. 🎹 Whopsie?

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Hey guys, new chapter is here and I really hope you'll enjoy it. If you do, you know what to do :)


We were sitting on couch in our tour bus. Mitch was right next to me with his head on my shoulder going through his Instagram feed, Scott was laying beside him with his head on Mitch's lap, nearly asleep. Kevin was by the table already sleeping with his arms on the table and head on his arms. Matt was in his bunk, but I have no idea whether he was asleep or awake.

My eyes started closing, but Mitch took my knee and shook it. "Wake up and wait a bit. Just few more minutes, then you can sleep however long you'll need." He whispered. I looked at him and he was already looking at me. He smiled. "Just," he peeked at his phone, "2 more minutes."

I nodded, already feeling like I'm about to fall asleep again. "Will do my best." I whispered and looked at Kevin. "Shouldn't we wake them up? Their backs are going to hurt."

"In a minute." He mumbled. He looked at his phone and opened the clock app staring at it until it hit the midnight. He looked at me and smiled. "Happy birthday." He whispered.

Then something went sideways. He wanted to kiss my cheek, but I turned to look at him. Our lips connected. I didn't know how to react and it was quite obvious that he didn't know either. But neither of us pulled away. Oddly enough, it didn't feel wrong.

After a nice moment, we actually pulled away. I looked down and blushed. "I guess this wasn't supposed to go this way." I mumbled.

He chuckled. "I admit that you're right, but I can't say it felt wrong." He smiled. "If it felt at least half as good for you as for me, then my actual present is going to suck." He scratched back of his neck.

I looked at him with my red cheeks hoping that the somewhat darkness would hide it. "It's from you, I already know that it's going to be amazing. And if not for some unknown reason, I may steal one more kiss to make this the best present package ever." I pinched his cheek.

He reached behind him and pulled out a box. Then he leaned back and sighed. "Now it's better." He handed it to me. "I hope you'll like it." He kissed my head and pulled me closer. I nuzzled closer to his side and opened it. It was little photo album with our pictures all the way from the start to our last pictures including those we took the day before.

I looked up at him with my eyes filling with tears. "I love it so much. I'm going to get buried with it when I die and until then I'm going to treasure it." I got it to my chest. Then a tear fell down.

Mitch wiped away the tear stain and pulled me as close as he possibly could. "I'm so happy you like it." I looked up at him. He smiled at me with the most gentle smile ever.

I rose up a little. "I love it." I leaned for one more kiss. He smiled and kissed back.

Then I opened my eyes and I was in my bunk bed. Mitch was standing in between the two beds. "Having a good dream there?" He smiled.

I looked at my phone. It was actually the day before my birthday. I literally fell asleep and dreamt about something in close future. Well why not? "Very. You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I giggled.

"Well you said and I quote 'I love it' multiple times, so whatever it was, it made you happy, that's the only thing that matters." He smiled and went to his bag. He looked at me. "Would you mind staying up till midnight today?" He took something out of his bag and hid it behind him.

"Sure. I can try to stay up." I blushed a little just from the memory of the dream. Then he disappeared somewhere.

That evening I actually woke guys up 5 minutes before midnight and told them to go to bed. And during the last minute I sat. Mitch turned a bit laid his head on my shoulder and the rest is basically the same. The only difference is that in reality guys were watching.

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