12. 🎹 Surprise

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"Hey guys," Mitch called into his mic. "Today is very special day, both for me and for you. With Esther's help, I got here one surprise. But before the surprise will come, I want to tell you something. For me and Kirstie this date means everything. 17 years ago, this exact day, we met. Exactly 7 years I was trying to get some courage. Exactly 10 years ago I asked her out. Since that day she means everything to me and I swore to do everything in my power to make her the happiest girl in every universe. For 10 years I am trying to give her all she wants and hope I'm doing my job well. So today, I have one last question for her and I hope for positive response. Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, will you make this weirdo the happiest man in every part of multiverse and marry me?" he knelt down in front of his girlfriend with opened box in my hands.

Kirstie's hands shot up to her mouth and tears showed up in her eyes. There was complete silence in the hall and every eye was on Kirstie. She was crying there, looking back into Mitch's eyes. Her head slowly went down and up, as she nodded her head. Smile showed up on Mitch's face, as he saw it.

"Of course I will," he shot up and kissed her. Out of nowhere came four voices of another band, singing one of their songs. From the shadow came four guys, singers from band called Westlife (don't judge me, I know few of their songs). Everyone started screaming, hearing someone else up on the stage as well.

Still no matter, that they were there, every eye and camera was turned on the happy couple. Scott came up to his best friends, not caring that they were kissing and hugged them tightly.

"I'm so happy for you guys," he said, letting his voice go around every corner of the room.

"I have little surprise too," Kirstie smiled into her mic. "As logical, there are cameras everywhere and they are connected to this big screens. I'm going to show you one thing, but I need one camera here," she walked over to the edge of stage and took something out of her back pocket.

Mitch walked over to her, but she made him close his eyes, before he could see anything.

"I'm going to show that thing to the camera and I want you to guess, what it is by their amount of screams, okay?" he nodded and Scott helped him to sit beside her.

She motioned for the cameraman to come closer and showed her surprise to him. In that moment everyone froze and then screamed.

"Wow, that has to mean either so much for them or for us all," Mitch said with his eyes still closed, as he promised, and mic by his lips.

"To everyone here, Mitch match. Give it to him, I want to see his first reaction," I said to my mic, making Kevin laugh. My sister went up too and looked at them

Mitch got one free hand in front of him and waited. Scott took his mic: "I'll hold it here, you get both of your hands in front of you." Mitch gulped.

"Okay, but you are starting to scare-" he stopped, when he felt Kirstie's surprise in his arms. He closed them and said: "Please tell me, you washed it, before it got to my hands," he smiled. Everyone laughed, but he didn't open his eyes. He wasn't told to. "Come here," he reached for his fiancé and pulled her down in his lap.

"You know, you can open your eyes," Scott smiled.

"Nobody said I can, especially the person, gave me this hopefully clean thing," Kirstie smiled and laid her head down on his shoulder.

"Give me one kiss and you can," she earning few "oooh's" from the audience. Mitch giggled and kissed her. One long sweet kiss. Everyone was screaming and every phone was filming. "Now you can open your eyes."

He did and smiled at his fiancé. "How did I deserve you?" he pulled her closer, hiding his face in her neck.

"If you made this all for her, then easily," one of the singers said to his mic with light chuckle.

"Thank you again. It means so much, that you helped me," Mitch said, as he looked at them.

"We know. I would love to do this back at the time I proposed to my wife," another one said. "You two have something so sweet and powerful, it's hard to find something like this in today's world."

"Yet, we found each other so easily. It took me 7 long years to say, how much you mean to me and 10 more to ask you to marry me. The only mistake, that I made, was that I was such a coward and slow," long wave of 'aww' came from the audience. "I promise you, I will never wait again."

"Well we will have to. This baby has to grow, before it will jump out," Kirstie giggled.

"Okay, but other than that I will never wait," Mitch laid his head on Kirstie's shoulder. Avi and Scott started humming lightly to their mics, creating light music that got the couple to start rocking slowly. Another singers joined them, while Mitch cried to his fiancé's shoulder. After few minutes everything stopped. Everyone was happy and the other band left. Mitch wanted to sing one more song for them, but when everyone heard his happy cracking voice they stopped him and said goodbye.

They got off stage. Mitch tiny bit harder with his teary eyes, but he managed to not get hurt. Then he picked Kirstie up and spun around with her. She squeaked, making Scott jump up.

They laughed. "You scared me, don't do that," he chuckled.

"Just to make you happy we will do it as often as you will let us," Kirstie chuckled. "Come on, I want to get comfy at home and cuddle with you," Kirstie pulled her fiancé to their changing rooms. "You should start getting your things to me or I'm going to be jealous," she giggled.

"The only thing that you should be jealous of is going to be that little baby that I'm going to spoil. And I'm going to start right after I am changed into human clothes and with you by my side," Mitch pecked Kirstie's cheek.

"Don't spoil us too much," she giggled and disappeared through her door.

Mitch sighed happily. "Come on love bird," Scott pulled him into their changing room by his shoulders.

"Okay okay, I'm going," Mitch chuckled

Eight months and two weeks later little baby girl came to this world. But it also cost something. It was long time full of pain and tears.

When little girl started crying, Kirstie knew it was worth it. Mitch was weeping happily. Long fight was big win. They had their little gold.

Once she was in her parents' arms, they were staring. "So beautiful, just like her mommy," Mitch said, kissing Kirstie's head. "I know we have talked about names, but I'm going to ask again. What will we call her?"

Kirstie giggled and leaned her head against his shoulder. "Little girl that is this cute deserves to have cute name and I think that Caitlyn sounds perfect for her."

Mitch nodded. "I was thinking Iris because of her eyes, but sure."

"She can have two names. You have three, I have two, so she can have more than one as well," Kirstie giggled. "Will we call guys that little Caitlyn Iris is here?"

Mitch shrugged. "We should, but I'm too happy in this moment. Even though it's two in the morning."

"You should go home and sleep, we won't go anywhere."

"I'm good," few tears fell down his cheeks. "She's so beautiful. That little nose and just aww," Mitch caressed his daughter's cheek. "Just like you - small and cute."

"Don't make fun of me because of my height, you're second lowest in our group," Kirstie giggled.

Then little girl opened her eyes and looked at her parents. She had beautiful eyes... Edges green and in slowly darkened into brown.

Mitch gave her his finger and when she took into her tiny hand, he knew she was going to be daddy's little girl. "My little baby. I love you so much," he whispered and kissed her tiny head. "And my big baby," he leaned his forehead against Kirstie's. "Love you so much, Kit."

"Love you more," she pecked his lips. "Now let's be honest, welcome to the world where you get max three hours of sleep daily," they giggled. Life still looked amazing for them, even with upcoming lack of sleep.


Little sweetness into our lives. It's short, I know. But I
still find it very cute, so it's out and it's making me tear up each time I read it

Bye loves
- Hunter
2.1. 2020 11:20am

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