16.3 🏳️‍🌈🎹 Screamed

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It's been 2 years since Mitch and Kirstie last spoke. Scott was shocked when he woke up in that bed and Mitch stood right by him signing his release papers. Two weeks after that, he moved out and basically stopped communicating with the rest of the group.

About 4 months after he left, he found himself a place that seemed like the one he dreamed of when he was a kid. Few months after he met Joey.

At first his new friends were teasing him about how much they seemed to like spending time with each other, but then they stopped. They wanted to push them together with their silence. And it worked, about year and few months since Mitch left, he already had a partner.

But everything has its positive and negative side. Mitch decided to take Joey to see Scott, who still tried to talk and check up on him. Scott made Mitch agree to meet up at his place. What he didn't count on was Kirstie's unexpected visit that day...

Mitch walked hand in hand with his partner to the door that once led to his place. "Are you sure that you wouldn't rather stay at home and cuddle with me?" Mitch tried one last time.

"And miss out on the opportunity to hear some of the stories about you? I'm definitely not thinking about backing out." They laughed together. "I'm very glad I met you." They kissed quickly and Mitch knocked on the door. "I expected you to fight this a bit more."

Mitch chuckled. "I see how much you want it, so I don't want to back out. It doesn't make me the happiest to remember these times, but seeing you smile does, so I don't mind." He pulled his partner closer.

Scott finally opened the door and pulled Mitch into a hug. "Goodness I missed you." He mumbled and picked Mitch up. He set him down. "Come on in." He stepped aside and let guys walk in. As he went to close the door he noticed short woman walking his way. He gulped and tapped Mitch's shoulder. "I swear I didn't know this would happen." He said and kept the door open.

Mitch looked and sighed. "It's okay. I moved on and if we need to talk something out, I won't mind." He patted Scott's shoulder and walked to Joey to explain what was about to happen.

Kirstie walked to the door. "I'm sorry I didn't know you were expecting someone to be here, I can stop by later."

Scott pulled her closer. "He said he doesn't mind, so feel free to stay." He closed the door behind her and nearly bumped into her as he turned around.

She was standing there staring at Mitch in pure shock. "I thought I'd never see him again. You said he wanted to leave us behind." She whispered quietly.

Mitch smiled. "Nice to see you after such while. I hope you don't mind us here." He tried his best to be nice, so he would show how much things have changed. "By the way this is Joey, we're dating. Joey, that's Kirstie."

Joey gave Mitch a look. "Very nice to meet you. He didn't say that you're that gorgeous." Kirstie just stood there. She was way too shocked to respond. "How about you help her to the living room and I can help Scott in case there's something I can help with."

"How about coffee?" Scott was very quick, because he wanted to get out of the hallway, it was way too awkward. They left and only Mitch and Kirstie were still there.

Mitch walked over to her and took her around shoulders to give her a hug. "I really missed you." He walked her to the living room and sat her down. "Are you sure you don't mind us here?"

Tear rolled down her face. "Why did you come back?"

He smiled and knelt down in front of her. "Joey really wanted to meet Scott, because he texted me every single day to ask whether I'm okay or not. But I would completely understand if you say you want us to leave." He wiped her cheek.

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