38. 🏳️‍🌈 Birthday girl

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Hey folks,
I thought we needed little cuteness, so there you have a cute gif, plus story (story and gif are not related). I hope you'll like it :)


I was freshly woken up. I smiled when I realized that it's my birthday and went to do my morning routine - toilet and bathroom. I got out and went to see my parents, like normal kid would... well kid, I was 18.

I walked to their bedroom and they noticed me right away. "Hey, we wanted to talk to you about the amount of friends you have. I mean most of kids your age have a lot of them and they hang out together. You only hang out with Zoe and that's about it." My mom said before I could at least wave at them.

I sighed. I was about to respond, when someone knocked on the door. I went there quickly, expecting Zoe, who's my girlfriend not just friend.

I opened the door with huge smile. "Good morning, birthday girl." She smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. When we let go, she handed me a bag with a present. "I hope you like it." She whispered and kissed my cheek.

I pulled her in before one of our neighbors would start peeking from their windows. "I already know I'm going to love it." I jumped up and down a little in excitement. Once she finally got her shoes off, we were about to go to my room. That's when I noticed that she still had one hand behind your back. "What are you hiding there?"

"You'll see, once you open your present." She chuckled. "One thing at a time."

Then my parents came to ruin the mood. "What are you two up to?" My dad asked.

Zoe cocked her eyebrow. "Celebrating this cutie's birthday. Are you against the idea of celebrating her day?" She asked and pulled me closer.

"Well we wanted to talk about certain issues we have." My mom said with a bit bitchy tone.

Zoe shook her head. "Then you may as well go back to your room, because I'm about to make the birthday girl happy." She said and pointed toward their room.

"Since when do you let your friends talk like that to us?" My dad glared at me.

I smiled. "Since it's my girlfriend and not just friend. Now if you excuse us, I want to spend my time with someone who actually likes me." I added little more sarcasm into the smile.

"Someone who loves you." Zoe said and kissed my head. I smiled and looked at her. "Now come on, what I want to see you open the present." She picked me up and carried me to my room. She set me on my chair and stood behind me.

I looked at her for a second and then back at the present. "Should I be scared?" I asked.

Zoe chuckled and laid her head on my shoulder. "Well it's not alive or explosive, so I think we'll be fine."

I nodded and opened it. My eyes teared up and my hand covered my mouth. I looked at her and pulled her face for a kiss. "You listened to me and remembered." I whispered.

"I actually bought it the next day and hid it well enough for me to keep panicking the entire night about where I put it. But yes I did listen and remember." She took out the rainbow blanket and covered me with it.

I nuzzled to it and wiped my tears. "Thank you so much, Boo." I felt so much love for that girl. Then she pulled out one of my hands and laid a flower on it. I looked at her with my red eyes. "What did I do so right in my life?"

"You're just you and I love who you are." She smiled. She stepped away and took a picture of me. "You're way too cute."

I stood up with the blanket around me and hugged her. I laid my head on her chest and closed my eyes to enjoy the moment while it lasted. Then my mother came, pushed us apart and pulled me to my father. "You don't belong into this house and need to keep your head straight." She said, nearly slapping me.

"Give me a moment, I'll pack few things and we can go. Who would want to be with such parents as this?" Zoe wiggled out of my father's arms and went to get a bag.

"You're not going anywhere, young lady." My mom went after me.

I quickly turned to her. "I am. You don't care about me, so I'm going with someone who does." I said and started packing my things.

My mom was fumimg, but didn't say more. At least not at first. "Well if she hurts you, don't come back." She said and left. My father went after her like a puppy.

Zoe came to me and pulled me for a hug. She knew I needed it. "It's going to be okay." She whispered and stroke my back. I started crying in her arms, realizing instead of my parents I had her. "Do you want me to finish the packing? We'll go to my place and mom can make us something. You know how much she loves you." I pulled myself even closer and silently cried.

After a while I pulled away and restarted packing. It didn't take long and we were on our way to her place. "Are you sure that your mom won't mind me there?"

She chuckled. "She loves you almost as much as I do and I love you very very much."

I looked at her and hugged her very quickly. "I love you just as much." We pulled away after few more seconds and she managed to take my bag from me. "Hey, it's my stuff, I should be the one carrying it."

"You're carrying hurt from your parents. Plus I like it, when I can do something for you. Giving you gifts, taking your bag, making you something to eat. Anything that allows me to spoil you." She got my bag on her shoulder and took my hand.

I squeezed it a little. We got to her place quite quickly after that and her mom was already waiting with happy birthday cake. You can say that I cried a lot that day, but most of it was out of happiness. I got my perfect girlfriend and her mom loved me more than both of my parents combined.

It was the best birthday I had till that day and every day after that felt just as nice even without the presents and cake. Sometimes I couldn't believe that it wasn't a dream, especially considering the way my parents used to treat me.

They came to see me few times, each time they came with another way of how to insult me because "I'm not normal". Zoe and her mom protected me as if I was their blood related family. They were my family - Zoe's going to be my wife one day and her mom's going to be my mother-in-law. They were the family I was always asking for.


Hey folks,
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I thought we needed little bit of cuteness in our lives, so I hope you wanted to aww at least a bit during this short cuteness :)

Bye loves,
- Alex Cuddie Light
19.04. 2021 10:00pm

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