13.1 🎹 Dormitory

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Hey, I'm Mitch. I'm lucky boy... kinda. All boys' rooms are taken and there's no way for me take bus to school from home. I live on the other side of the continent. And there comes the "lucky" part... I live in one room with gorgeous girl. But!!! I am supposed to be gay, so I have to play around like I want some boy, which is exactly the opposite. I want that one girl. The bestest thing is............ She has boyfriend. I'm no match for him. He has muscles, blond hair and ocean blue eyes.

"What were you saying? I wasn't listening," Kirstie asked me.

"Just mumbling my stuff to school. I'm trying to think of way, how to tell my teacher, she didn't teach me anything," I rubbed my eyes with sigh.

"I would love to help you, but Scott said, he has something to say to me, so we're supposed to meet in park," she smiled at me. "But if you will wait, I can help you with that."

"Sure. Do you need a lift? I think, you were saying that your car broke, so you can take mine. Plus it should be snowing today," I offered her, as a good roommate.

"Would you mind, if I'd rather take you with me? I'm not sure, if I'm going to be able to drive after today. That came out weird," she laughed.

"Sure, I have nothing better to do anyways," I smiled at her. "When are we leaving?" I have no idea, what have gotten over me. I was nice and polite, but it felt right.

"I'm going to get some make-up and we can go," she stood up from her bed and laid her phone on her pillow.

"If I would have girl as beautiful as you, I wouldn't let her use make-up," she blushed and shook her head. "What? I'm being honest with you. Did Scott see you without it?"

"I don't know, I think so."

"Then he's dumb. If I'd be in his shoes, I would throw all that stuff away," she giggled and left to the bathroom mirror.

"Are you sure, you're gay?" she asked me, surprising me

"Why do you ask?" I won't tell her, I'm not, if she thinks something, that isn't good indicator.

"I start to think, that you like me. You compliment me all the time. You always say, that I look beautiful, or that if you were in Scott's place, you'd do some things differently. It starts to feel like you're not gay or something."

"Just because I complimented you and told you few times, that I would take different kind of care of you, you assumed, that I'm straight?" I was confused so much. It didn't make much sense to me.

"Well not that, when you say it like this. But the way you say it or the tone you use, when you say it. Either you take me as sister, what would be little weird, since we know each other maybe a month or two. Or you like me, which as you try to prove would be weird, because you're saying, you aren't straight," she came out of the bathroom, throwing her arms everywhere around her.

"Calm your arms and take your stuff. Your boyfriend will be missing you. I am your roommate, that wants to be nice and he's straight boy, who is in love with you," I said simply to her.

"That doesn't change anything, Mitch. You still look like straight boy to me. Are you sure, you're gay?" she looked me up and down.

"I'm starting to feel, like you want me to want you. Do you?" this was becoming too funny to end it so soon.

"No, why should I? I'm happy, Mitch," she wasn't enjoying it as much as I did. "You know what? You can stay here, I'll get there somehow," she waved her hand at me.

"No, sorry. I was just joking. I'll take you there. I'm sorry, I won't do it again. Ask me anything you want and I'll answer it honestly, just don't say it everywhere you'll go," I ran in front of her, so I could stop her.

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