10.1 🏳️‍🌈🎹 How to you get in trouble, kids

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We all were at the tour bus on our way to studio, where we get going home and Scott and Mitch are cuddling on a couch, nearly sleeping. All of a sudden Mitch shakes quickly, like a kid right before waking up from a nightmare.

"Shhh," Scott pulled himself closer.

"I'm fine, this happens right before I'm about to fall asleep," he mumbles and let Scott's head lay back down on his chest. "I hate it so much. You okay tho, I think, I hit your head somewhere?"

"I'm okay, just let me sleep here on your chest," Scott cuddled closer to Mitch.

"Okay, little one," Mitch kissed his head and closed his eyes. I looked at Matt and Kevin. Their eyes were so big from the surprise.

"Little one?" I looked at the couple. Scott had drool coming out already and Mitch was snoring softly and cutely just like always. "Did I hear right?"

"I heard that too. I heard the smallest person in the room call the biggest person in room "little one". This world is so crazy, man," Kevin was looking at them with small smile on his face. "What do you think, Mitch's reaction will be like, when Scott's spit lands on his shirt?"

"We'll see soon," few moments later Mitch grunted a little and that was that. "Wow, I thought of big explosion, but this is literally nothing."

"I know, right? I mean, this is Mitch's favorite shirt and Scott just drool over it."

"Miracles happen," Matt laughed. We drove for little longer, then the bus stopped and Scott woke up with small tear in his eye. It was fascinating to see the moment, when that tear collided with Mitch's shirt.

Mitch shot up and started soothing Scott. "Hey, everything is okay. Come on, let's get little freshen up and some stuff to keep you in happy, sleepy mode," they stood up and hand in hand left the bus room.

"What did just happen?" Kevin looked at me and Matt.

"I am going to figure that out, if anything, I'm waking them up and we'll be there soon," they nodded and I went after our weird couple.

"I can't find your bottle, little one," I heard Mitch's voice and then small sniffles. "Hey, we get you new one," and the sniffing slowly stopped.

"What is going on here?" I came there, seeing red-eyed Scott and Mitch wiping his tears away.

"You might want to sit down," Mitch sighed.

"But you said, we can't tell this to anyone. Did you lie to me, daddy?" another sniffing from Scott.

"I didn't, but it looks like Kirstie already has her idea and it would be easier, if somebody knows. Now stop crying, before I will look for pacifier," I widen my eyes. "Sorry, Kit. He's still not used to traveling, when it comes to this age," he sat next to me and Scott next to him, snuggling to his side.

"Mind giving me any normal explanation? Because this does not look like Scott that I know," I pointed at the man, who's looking at me like a little kid from behind his parent.

"What do you think it is, from what you have just seen?"

"Something weird, what I want to know more about."

"Told yo-" Scott started, but Mitch got him pacifier and looked at me.

"I would say, spend little bit more time with us today and you'll see," Mitch said. "And for you it's veggies for the rest of the week," Scott pouted, but nodded.

"Just a question, if I get it right now. It's like father son relationship? With the fact that you're father and he's your son?" I thought out loud.

"Yes, you can say that. Wanna come with us today? We're going to buy him new bottle for milk, so he'll fall asleep easier." Mitch looked at me, as if this was fully normal thing to ask your friend.

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