26. 🎹 Break my heart, but I wanna be happy now

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Inspired by Break My Heart (& Happy Now) by Pentatonix


"Kit? Hey it's Mitch, call me once you have some time. I want to meet up and talk about something. Call me. Bye," Mitch said. She didn't pick up, but he knew that it wasn't going to take long for her to respond. That was what he liked the most about her - she was the fastest responder out of the whole group.

He waited for three hours, but no response and he knew it wasn't like her at all. He decided to call Scott to ask about it. He only got Scott's word to call him as soon as he would get in contact with her.

After few minutes, his phone lit up and started vibrating. Mitch picked up very quickly - he waited for that call almost as much as for the one from Kirstie. "Hey there. So, I don't know how to say this. She doesn't want to talk to you. I asked her, but I got no answer. But maybe she's home, so you can go see her."

Mitch jumped up from his couch and went to get his jacket. "That is very good idea. I am going there. I hope that I didn't offend her or something." As he said it, he got an idea - on his way go buy her something. He didn't have clear view of what it should be, but he felt like he would need something very good.

"You'll see, but she didn't sound offended in my opinion. Let me know how things went." Scott said and after exchanging bye's they hung up.

Mitch left his place and went to buy her some present. He knew that if he did something wrong, this could give him a chance to make things right. On the other hand, if he didn't do anything wrong, the gift could make her feel better.

He walked to the shop that was the nearest to Kirstie's place. He walked around to see and decided what would be the best for her. He didn't want to be on her bad side nor see her sad or feel bad in any way. After all, he loved her, she meant a lot to him.

After 15 minutes of walking around and trying to pick something, he chose her favorite ice-cream and little plushie that was about the size of his chest. "Is your girlfriend mad at you?" the cashier asked when she noticed what he was buying.

"She's not my girlfriend and I don't know. All I know is that out of the blue she stopped answering my calls and messages and when our friends asked why she didn't pick up her phone when I called her, she just ignored the question." He scratched back of his neck. "I feel like I messed up big time now and I have no idea how or when."

The cashier nodded and then looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Wait a second, aren't you the singer from the acapella group (still no idea which wording is the correct one)? Don't you check your mentions on social media?" she asked.

"No, I've been trying to spend more time with other stuff than my phone or computer. My doctor said it would help me to get off for a while or at least be there as less as possible." He said with awkward chuckle. "It's been quite some time since I actually checked what people have been saying about me." He pulled out his wallet getting ready to pay.

She nodded and looked at the screen. "70 dollars. Card or cash?" She looked back at him.

He looked inside his wallet. "Cash." He was quite interested in knowing what people were saying, but going to check on Kirstie was his priority at that moment. She took the bills and handed him bag with the plushie and ice-cream. "Thanks." He smiled sadly at the cashier and left.

He was scared. He didn't know what to expect. For once he didn't want to be surprised. But he didn't have much of a choice anyway. He didn't know what to prepare himself for. But the scariest part was that he didn't know if the two things weren't connected somehow.

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