25. 🔀 My Hero

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His point of view

I was sitting in coffee shop. Waiting and waiting. She wasn't coming. I knew her as person that is never late, but this time she was. Maybe asking her out was a mistake. Maybe she just didn't want me to be sad so she agreed.

I stood up and left. Side of me wanted to go home and I couldn't stop thinking about stopping by hers to see why she wasn't coming. I wasn't sure if that was what I wanted to know, but I went anyways.

I could see light in her apartment - she was home. I went to her apartment. I had key, because we knew each other since we were kids and she gave me hers as soon as she moved in.

I opened the door and walked in. It looked quite messy. Person would not believe that she lived here. She couldn't stand mess. I walked to the kitchen. Nobody just mess. Then I decided to try her bedroom.

I silently walked in and I saw something I really didn't like.

Her point of view

His hand was crushing me. I felt like he's about to push my teeth into my throat. I really wanted to call for help, but his hand didn't let me.

He was trying to either kill me or rape me... or both. I was slowly losing my consciousness and his other hand was trying to get my clothes down. Then my eyes moved to the door. It was shortly before my vision went dark.

I didn't faint, because he let go of my nose and I started breathing again. The last picture played in front of me - someone was standing at the door. It took me a moment to realize that my mouth was free. But I still couldn't see through the darkness and hear through the squeaky sound in my ear.

After what felt like forever, but in reality it could be seconds, I felt someone shake my shoulders. Seconds later, I could hear voice calling me and my vision was coming back. "Hey. It's okay, he didn't interrupt our plans." I heard it, but it was very hard to translate it considering how bad I could hear him.

"Let her go." I heard the other person say, but it was weaker, much weaker. "You better kill me before you touch her again."

"With pleasure." I heard my attacker say. I blinked few times and I could see a bit. I looked around and found out why my date had such weak voice - he was bleeding. "You're the reason she won't go out with me and if I learnt one thing from life, it's that you have to eliminate your problems."

"No, please let him go," I whimpered.

He looked at me. "You're my problem now too. But you're right. I should let him watch what happens when he fails." I saw the scariest grin on one's face ever. He stood up and walked back to me. I pushed myself as far away as I could, but I wasn't fast enough. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me right back to him.

He took his knife and got it right above me. That moment felt like eternity. Every moment played in front of my eyes. Every time my today's date stood by me to make me feel better. Every time he saved me from troubles.

Then I saw the knife going down and my eyes automatically shut. But the hit never came. I opened them and saw both of them on the floor. The worst was seeing knife handle sticking out of my best-friend's/date's chest. My attacker jumped up and with fear in his eyes ran away.

With weak moves of beaten body I moved to him and laid beside him. "Please fight little longer. I can't lose you." I whispered as I was looking around for my phone.

He let out something similar to chuckle. "You're strong enough for both of us. Hey, look at me. No matter what happens tonight, I will stay by you. Even if it means I have give up my chance for heaven." He coughed twice and smiled at me.

I looked around some more and instead of my phone, I found his and I immediately called for help. I did everything I was told to do until paramedics came and took us to hospital where they split us. I went to check up and my best friend went to get the knife out of his chest.

The whole time we were in the car, he held my hand. He was wounded and yet he was doing his best to give me strength. That was typical us - him in trouble and helping me get through my tiny problems.

My check-up lasted only for like half an hour and then I waited for his results. I prayed for him to survive. All I wanted was to see him alive. I waited for what seemed like eternity, but in reality it was like 6 hours. Then the doctor that took care of me came for me. Without a single word she led me to him. She didn't say anything and her face was saying even less.

She led me down few hallways and to place that didn't seem like rooms were anywhere near. Then we turned through the last door and there he laid. Not a single movement. Skin white as snow.

My knees broke and I fell to the ground. He was dead. I looked at his dead body and everything else left my senses. No sound, nothing else in the picture.

The nurse helped me stand up and led me right to him. I took his hand and laid my head on his chest. After dozens of years together, this was the first time I didn't hear anything. After lifelong relationship I didn't get any response back. I wanted to scream, but at the same time I didn't want to speak ever again. "We did everything we could, but he lost too much blood and his heart gave up."

I turned to her. "No, you killed him. He would never give up. He would never stop fighting, because he always found reason to fight through his problems. Do not blame him for your mistakes. He was strong enough to get through it, if you helped him. He could've been smiling at us by now if you didn't give up on him." I glared at her. I wanted to punch her, but I didn't want to let down my last ally that was alive the last time I saw him.

"We did everything that we could. His body couldn't handle the blood loss." She stepped closer.

"No, I don't believe you that. You keep saying that he just gave up out of nowhere, but I will never believe you that. I know him - he was fighter. You killed him." I pointed my at her. "You didn't fight hard enough for him to survive."

"Oh for Christ's sake, give her a break." I heard grunt behind. I turned to look at him. He chuckled and coughed. "You could bring everyone from dead with that attitude." I laughed and wiped the tears that fell down from my eyes.

"See? I told you he wouldn't give up," I chuckled with my cracking voice.

The nurse walked over to him to check up on him and work on what was needed to be done. "I never saw this happen before," she whispered.

She left the room soon after and it was him and I all over again. "This isn't how the date was supposed to go," he said with cough and laughter. "But at least I got to save you again - it always makes me feel better about everything." He squeezed my hand.

"You better rest, don't waste your energy. We can talk once you're in your room and full of energy again. I will wait for you, don't worry." I kissed his head and soon after doctors came in and I was told to wait outside.

That was the scariest part of my life. But then things went high. We finally got to our date, eventually he asked me to marry him - of course I said yes. Today I gave birth to our little angel. What else is there to be said other than we are living our dream. We paid with the scariest experience and we earned the happiness that many people can only wish for. We are grateful for every moment we lived and for the life we created.


Don't forget to vote and comment (especially if you want Mitch in chapter SCREAM to survive). To make sure that our lovely angel survives, I am using the 7 one-shots (!only these 7!) to help you achieve your goal :) <3

- Alex
2.8. 2020 11:03pm

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