10.5 🏳️‍🌈🎹 CUT!

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"Hey everyone," my parents and Scott's parents walked in. "You're talking about something important, aren't you?"

"Yeah," I looked at Kirstie, then at them and then at Scott.

"Oh," my dad said. "Is there anything you got to do?"

"What can there be? He took our son as his - they have to stay together," Scott's father looked at mine.

"Well that doesn't mean he can't get together with Kirstie. They can take care of Scott together," Nel responded. Rick nodded, but didn't look very happy about his son sharing his partner with someone else.

"Well first of all we got back to phase where your son keeps telling how it's his fault," Esther said. I didn't want my parents to know, because they would worry and I never liked when they worried about their adult child.

"Mitch, do you want to go see that doctor again?" my mom asked me with worried voice.

"She will give me pills that will help for a moment, but I while I take that medicine I can't get on stage so where's the point anyways. I need something better and I don't have it," I laid down starting to feel bad.

"Awe you okay?" Scotty asked right away.

"I don't know anymore," I breathed out. He jumped off of the bed and disappeared through the door. As I got up, so I could go after him, my head spun and I blacked out.

I woke up to doctor flashing his light into my eyes. "Welcome back, Mister Grassi. You scared us. How are you feeling?"

I looked around, seeing Scott crying into Kirstie's chest, my mom in my dad's arms and everyone else with horror in their eyes. "I don't know, why did I black out?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Well we don't know yet. But whatever it was, you're lucky that Scott ran to me for help. You hit your head. We're going to check up on you, so just don't move if you don't feel well enough," doctor said.

"Where do you need to get me?" I said right away. I sat up, getting nausea back.

Doctor pushed me back to my pillow. "You went white too quickly. Stay in laying position," I sighed, but nodded. As soon as there was enough space Scotty came to me and hugged me. "You two are special. You're smart and brave little guy," Scott blushed.

"I know I'm lucky," I kissed his head. "Hoying family gave me amazing friend and little guy," I smiled at Scott's parents. Connie wiped her eyes quickly, then smiled at me.

"Don't scawe ush vike that again," he whispered to my ear.

I chuckled and nodded, petting his back. "You have nothing to worry about. I'm good now," he squeezed me quickly, then let me go.

Doctor pushed my bed along with me out of the room and right after we could hear loud: "Cut!" director yelled. I got up, walked back to "the room" and hugged Scott around his shoulder. Kirstie came to me and I pulled her into the hug. "This was amazing. No need for doing it again. You are unbelievably amazing, guys."

"Thank you, we wouldn't be able to do this without you," Kevin smiled. "I can't wait for our fans to look behind the scenes of our past," Matt chuckled and patted his back.

"It gave everyone something. For me it's knowledge of what I will always cherish," I smiled at all of my friends and people around.

"It helped us remember, what helped us become who we are," Matt said. "Maybe we don't realize it, but there's something good in every bad part of our lives."

"Okay let's stop with that philosophy, okay?" Kirstie held her hand on Matt's mouth with chuckle. My parents disappeared somewhere and Scott's father glared at me.

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