43. 🏳️‍🌈 Foreshadowing

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When they were younger, around the age of 3, they were besties and their mothers noticed. Since one was assigned male and the other female at birth, the mothers thought it would be a good idea to have a photo shoot on the theme of a wedding.

They were so proud of their idea. As time went on, they were thinking about their kids eventually actually dating and having kids together.

When the kids weren't kids anymore, when they were teenagers, they started hanging out more. What the mothers thought was different than what was actually happening.

Both were sad because neither of the mothers would accept their difference from other teenagers in their class. One wasn't the boy that the papers said. And neither of them liked boys in any way. That just wasn't an interesting topic.

Weeks went by and the two girls felt more and more comfortable around one another. They didn't really feel that difference, because things were changing all the time, especially when they realized that things didn't go as anyone around them expected.

Both girls tried dating, both boys at first and quickly realizing that just wasn't the way. They both tried dating girls. It was better, the relationships lasted a while, but the chemistry just somehow wasn't there.

Then the friends went to different cities to college, which separated them. They both got themselves girlfriends, but for some reason, it didn't last.

Amalia's mother was very problematic with the whole idea of "if you stayed the boy you were, getting a girl that would stay with you would be easier" which was wrong on so many levels. Amalia didn't have a choice whether to be a boy or a girl or who actually attracts her. But other than that she was very supportive.

Genevieve's mother, on the other hand, cut her daughter off completely when she found out that her girl was never going to bring home a boy that she would eventually marry and have children with.

Years later, when both girls had their degrees, Genevieve moved back to the city where they grew up to prove to her mothers that being who they are wasn't a problem in being their best selves.

One day, Amalia's mother called. "Honey, will you be coming home for your birthday celebration? I wanted to throw just a little party because you've been so busy with your school and work that you haven't gotten a chance to stop by yet." She asked.

"Sure, I had a plan to go out with some of my colleagues, but I can move it. It isn't set in stone." She said with a smile. She didn't expect it, but it still made her happy. "When should I come?"

"How about Saturday, around 3? But if you have plans we can move it." The mother said.

Amalia giggled. "You're my mother. I will prioritize you over my colleagues when it comes to celebrating my birthday. You brought me to this world and did your best with me."

"Okay then." The mother said cheerfully. "See you on Saturday. Be careful, honey."

The girl smiled. "You too mom." They hang up and went to do their own thing. Amalia postponed her birthday party with her friends so that she can go celebrate with her mom. The friends were a bit shocked but of course, they were happy for her.

The work made the rest of the week fly by. She didn't know what her mom meant by 'little party', because she liked to have like 50 people in her house during a small party. That meant she needed to dress well, but her mom could actually invite like 10 people because her circle of friends got smaller when people found out that she has a trans daughter. But if that's the case, she could put on something more comfortable.

She decided on the smartest thing to do - call her mother and ask. So she did just that and she found out that her mom didn't specifically invite anyone, but she did tell a person or two, so it could vary from nobody to like 100 people.

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