33. 🔀 Glitch in matrix

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This is one of the few one-shots that I started way back before this book started and for some reason I haven't posted it yet... so here the baby comes.
I also managed to find a way to change it in short book, but that is nowhere near any sort of end, so I am posting it as one-shot and maybe eventually I will finish it

Also little fact - this used to be Mirstie way back in the days of this starting


"Nora, are you okay?" Mikael asked as Nora tripped almost falling to the ground.

"Sure thing Mikey. I just need to get used to these shoes. Come on, let's look at those cakes. We don't want our guests to be starving. After all, they're coming for the wedding," Mikael pecked his fiancé's cheek. "Love you," they hugged before continued in their way.

"Can't wait for you to be Jerms, babe," Mikael look down with smile. "Love you more," they intertwined their hands made few last steps. "Hello, we have an appointment for cake tasting," young lady smiled and led them further into the building.

"Mister Jackson will be here soon, just this crazy year with all those weird things that happen-. He'll be here soon," she smiled and left.

"Is it just me or she looked like your dead fiancé?" Nora looked at Mikael, who was frozen to death. "I guess not," Nora sighed and sadness filled her whole body, when she saw tears falling from Mikael's eyes. "Mikael, you said you moved on, this shouldn't affect you and yet it does. Were you dishonest with me?" Mikael finally got out of the trans.

"I'm sorry. I thought so, but obliviously I lied. It was good to see her happy again. Come here Nora," Mikael hugged Nora tightly. "I love you, not her, only you. I want to marry you, not her. Don't be jealous of her, okay?" quick peck on lips and Nora's smile was back.

"Sorry. I'm just scared of your leaving."

"Do you not believe me? I-"

"Mikael?" girl was back. "I thought you died."

"Excuse me? Who are you?" Nora wrapped her arms around his fiancé.

"Obliviously nobody for my fiancé," Mikael furrowed his eyebrows and his eyes were running between Nora and her.

"And who is your fiancé?"

"You," tear showed up in her left eye.

"Me?" both of them asked at the same time.

"Mikael obliviously, I don't know any noodles, no offence, but do you even have your eyebrows somewhere on your body?" Mikael giggled.

"I'm sorry, but I'm engaged with Nora. Last time I knew someone like you, she got shot during bank robbery, so...," Mikael's eyes filled with tears.

"Whoa, slow down. What are you talking about? You got shot," both fiancés looked at each other.

"I-I'm sorry, but who got shot?" Nora stuttered out.


Mikael and Megan are standing in line to get their money out of their account, so they can go for bigger shopping. Two people were in front of them, when seven gunshots from riffle sounded. Both of them sat down immediately. "Mikael, what is going on?"

"Don't worry, everything's okay," he hugged her tightly, hiding her face in his chest. "You will be okay," he kissed her head.

Thief came and grabbed her forearm, pulling her away. "You're coming with me sweetheart."

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