16.1 🏳️‍🌈🎹 Scream

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Warning!!! Sad ending and may be triggering for some people


"Kirstie? Hey, I need your help," Scott said into his phone. "Mitch won't walk out of his room and I can hear him cry. Can you please come over?"

"O-okay, I'll be there as soon as I can," Kirstie replied, taking her coat and keys. She quickly closed her door, locked it and ran to her car. Her heartbeat was too quick for her liking, but she didn't have much time to care about it, her best friend had something on his heart and it was making him sad. She couldn't let it last long. She sped up more than she was supposed to, but she didn't care. After long drive she stopped her car in front of their house. She didn't bother to knock, she just walked in.

"Finally, he's in his room as I said before," she nodded and went to his door.

"Mitch? Can you hear me?" nothing changed. She tried to open his door and they were unlocked. "Why didn't you go in?" she looked at Scott.

"Because they were locked. He probably unlocked them, once I left," Scott shrugged and went after her. Once they saw Mitch laying on the bed, hugging teddy bear, that Kirstie gave him years ago, their eyes filled tears. Scott couldn't keep looking at him and left the room.

"Mitch? Is something wrong?" Kirstie sat on his bed, lightly touching his leg. He looked at her and pure horror pushed himself away from her.

"Y-y-you can't be here. Y-you d-died," he stuttered out, holding his teddy bear closer to his chest.

"What are you talking about? I am okay," she furrowed her eyebrows, but soon her soft look came back and she reached out her hand to him. His eyes were traveling back and forth between her eyes and her hand.

"I-I saw your life l-leaving your eyes in accident. I sat beside you, but I couldn't save you, so you died in my arms. You can't be here," his hands were shaking as his grip around the bear tightened.

"There wasn't any accident, Mitch. It was just a dream," Kirstie said calmly. "Come here big boy, give me a hug," he slowly got closer to her with every part of his body shaking in fear.

"P-please do-don't hurt m-m-me," he whispered, as her arms wrapped around him. She pulled him closer and tighten her grip on him.

"I would never hurt you, Mitch. You're my best friend," she rubbed his back. Once she felt her shirt getting wetter, she pulled away. "No matter what you saw, it wasn't real, okay?" more tears started flowing down his face.

"Y-y-you d-died, because I d-d-didn't ke-ep m-m-my where they sh-should be. I should've done more," all pictures were popping of his eyes and all things he could do without killing her. "I promised to take care of you and I killed you," he whispered, not being able to look at her. He hid his face in the bear. "I just couldn't not look at you," he mumbled to the bear, not being understandable for Kirstie.

"What?" she laid her hand on his shoulder again.

"That you're too beautiful to not look at. I couldn't resist the need to look at you and because of that you died. Last thing I heard was your scream, as our car met with that tree," Mitch screamed at her, scaring her out. Scott's breath hitched once heard that in his room. Kirstie's eyes watered and her hands shot up to her mouth. Mitch laid back down and pulled Kirstie's gift closer to him. She didn't know, what to do.

"Take my hand," she said softly. His trembling hand reached for hers and once they met, his flinched away. "You felt that? That was my hand, if you can touch me, that means I'm not ghost and that makes me alive," his scared body wasn't even listening to her, he just stared at her. "Did you hear me?" his undercover got uncovered, but he still only managed to stare at her. "Maybe I should let you get through this," she sighed and when she was about to stand up, his arms wrapped around her.

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