20. 🎹 It all started with TOD

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PTX had free time after another tour and they were hanging out at ScöMìché house, playing games. Once they got drunk a little there came the game Truth or Dare. They played for hour or two, when it finally got the way Scott wanted. "Mitch, Truth or Dare?"

"Maybe I should man up a little - dare," Scott's smirk made Mitch doubt his decision.

"I dare you for 7 minutes in heaven with person of your choice," Mitch mentally slapped himself for being so stupid and looked around. Everyone was looking at him and the easiest option for him was his bestest friend - Kirstie.

"Umm, Kirstie," everything went silent, before there came loud "ooooh" from everybody. "Hey, don't be stupid," he rolled his eyes and went to his room with his friend's hand in his.

"What are you planning on doing?" the fear in her made him turn around and wrapped his arms around her.

"Nothing, we wouldn't do before," he kissed her head and slowly picked her up, caring her to his bed. Her fear was sensible, so he put her down. "I'm not going to rape you. We're going to cuddle. I wouldn't hurt my princess," he kissed her forehead. "Better?" she nodded and they continued the way to his room. They laid on his bed and she cuddled up with him.

"Don't say this to anyone, but you're the best cuddler for me, as if I was made to fit exactly here," she whispered.

"I think this about our hands too," he kissed her head and rubbed her forearm gently. She took a deep breath and relax in his embrace. He smiled and both of them fell asleep before their time ran out.

"Somebody has good time," Scott chuckled, when he noticed, that they weren't coming even ten minutes later. "I'm going to get them, I hope you have holy water if I see something I shouldn't," Esther punched his chest playfully.

"I'm coming with you," they stood up and went to Mitch's door. Scott opened them and smiled. "What?" she pushed him aside and looked at sleeping couple cuddled together. "They are so cute together," they closed the door and went down.

"What? Where did you leave them?" Matt asked, not seeing the ones that left sooner.

"They fell asleep, cuddling," Scott said. "They are like two puzzles," he laughed. "They lay down and always fall asleep. Like they are made for each other's sleep," Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Are you jealous?"

"Of course I'm jealous, Scotty. I'm engaged with her and he's still better than I am for her in so many things. She won't agree with me, but it's true," he rubbed his forehead. "I'm supposed to be the best for her and I can't do that with him around."

"Hey, she loves you more than him and that's all you should care about," Scott said. "He cares about her, because she's been keeping him up almost his whole life. She's like his sister, we all are," Scott smiled, looking up, the way of Mitch's room.

"Aren't you so sweet? Your little baby is cuddling with my princess," Jeremy said with ironic smile.

"She's our princess too," Esther said. "She should be your queen."

"My queen is my mom, Esthie," Jeremy said. They kept talking, trying to make Jeremy stop with his jealousy.

Mitch on the other hand was having a little talk from dream after few moments it woke Kirstie up and she listened to him, wanting to know his problem, that makes him talk out of his dreams. His face looked scared, deadly serious and so sad, you wouldn't believe.

"Don't leave me," he mumbled, but Kirstie didn't understand. Her hand rested on his chest and she felt his speeding heart. "I need you," she finally made the words and smiled, knowing his heart was full of love to someone again. His last break up didn't end well for him. "Please stay," he mumbled and his face saddened even more. She started to think, he saw the break up again, just like half year after it happened. "I love you," he said and stayed quiet for a long time. "Not like 'em." After him saying that, she knew that this had nothing to do with his last relationship. But she was even more shocked after he said: "Kit, say something."

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