4. 🎹 Little/Big

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Characters: Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi, Scott Richard Hoying, Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, Kevin Oluwole Olusola, Avriel Benjamin Kaplan, Esther Koop

We were at the studio, waiting for Kirstie to come. She was more than hour late. "Mitch, go get her."

"Why me? You're complaining, so why don't you go?" Scott was so annoyed and annoying at the same time. He never liked Kirstie's "imperfection".

"Because I am older and I told you to go," I rolled my eyes and continued playing games on my phone. "Mitch, go get Kirstin. Right now," he grunted at me.

"I'm not going anywhere," I snapped back at him. "You are so eager to get her here, so you go."

He started tickling me, knowing how much I hate it. "You're going, I'm staying. Or I'm going to tickle you, until she comes."

I wanted to punch him, but my vision got blurry because of the tears, that were coming out through my laugh. After few more seconds I found myself on the floor and him laughing at me.

"You're mean, I'm staying at Kirstie's for a week," I said and walked to our car, starting it and pulling off the parking lot. Throughout the fact, we talk about LA, the traffic wasn't that bad. In 15 minutes I was in front of Kirstie's house, knocking on her door.

After 5 minutes she opened her door and jumped into my arms, hiding her face in my neck. "I thought you fowgot me." (there will be an explanation)

"What do you mean, Kirstie?" I looked at her, walking to couch still with her on me. I set her down and kissed her forehead, rubbing her forearms.

"I was waiting fow you," she jumped on me, getting her arms and legs around me, hiding her face in my chest.

"I didn't know, I was supposed to come," then I felt tears sinking into my shirt. "Hey, what's up little bit? Did I do something to you?"

She nodded. "You fowgot me. You can't fowget about me," she cried.

"Shh, I'm here now," she sniffed and pulled herself little closer. "Is everything okay now?"

"Yes, daddy," she whispered and her body relaxed. If you want to ask, what she meant by "daddy"... It's our kind of relationship. Some of the days she's big Kirstie, while the other days she's my little Kitty. (there's the explanation)

"Let's get you to bed, little one, you seem to be tired from all the crying." I stood up, making her thumb fall out from between her lips. She sniffed, as I looked for her pacifier. Big tears were falling down her face, until I found it.

"Dadd-" I got it in, making everything fine again. She was happy little girl again. Nobody knows about this and we want it that way. I laid her into her bed, getting covers around her, so she won't be cold.

"Sweet dreams, little bit," I kissed her forehead and took out my phone. I dialed Scott's number.

"Where are you guys? We're waiting for you here," Scott blurred out on me.

"I came here and somehow just made her fall asleep. Maybe we should move it," I could feel, how angry he just became. "Plus I told you, I'm staying here for a week. You were mean to me and I'm going to punish you for that."

"Mitch, we need to rehearse, there's no time for being childish," he yelled into his phone.

"You're telling me? If you want to rehearse, then do it. I don't care about your needs, noodle," I hung up and made my way to kitchen, so I could make some coffee for me and milk for my little girl.

Then I hear little thud and sniffing. I ran to her room and knelt down next to her bed. "Daddy," she jumped on me, hugging my life out of me. "I had bad dweam. You veft and neve came back," she cried again.

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